Religious Freedom in India

This paper seeks to explore into the ‘religious freedom in the present scenario’ in the context of India and the world. It contemplates the present aspects of secularism granted in the articles 25 to 28 of the Indian constitution in India in the view of curtailment of the religious freedom of the peoples, which is against the basic tenants of Indian secularism, provided in the constitution.
Basically, the religious freedom given in the articles 25-28 are the basic fundamental right of the peoples. This paper led emphasis on amalgamation of political parties in the religious affairs that how present political parties has divided the peoples in the name of religion??
It also explores, what are the major religious challenges faced by Indian democracy, which led to the curtailment of the religious freedoms of the people. Also it shows the detention of the foreign peoples of Tablighi Jamaat during the covid-19, led to the curtailment of their religious rights, due to the allegations on them for spreading covid-19. We will be knowing the important concepts of Freedom Of Religion, Liberty, Equality, Secularism, Bills, Laws and Commission which are related to the religious matters in India and we will also be knowing about the religious freedom in India in the current scenario and why there is social tension and fear among the citizens related to the matter of religion in India especially among the minority communities. We will also know about the brutal violence and the police brutality that happened during the period from December 2019 to February 2020 and the religious tensions and hatred that have engraved in the minds of millions of citizens during the whole of pandemic. In the name of religion there have been large destructions of temples, mosques, churches, gurudwaras etc in the past few years and we will also be able to know how the failures of the past and present governments in the country to handle the religious riots that have been happening around the country. In this paper we will also be questioning that whether the fundamental ideas of liberty, equality, social justice, secularism is being seriously followed and whether the Principal of Constitutionalism of the Constitution of India is religiously being followed or not in India.
Keywords: Secularism, Religious Violence, Equality, Social Justice, Law and Bills Related To Religion.

Injunction against Municipal Corporation & Gram Panchayats

This study presents a quantitative assessment of the quantitative ban and the gram panchayat ban on municipal cooperation. An injunction is a court order that requires a person to do or renounce an act necessary for justice, and failing to do so would violate sincerity and conscience. Basically, the purpose of granting an injunction is to restore the party’s infringement of rights, thereby causing insufficient money or compensation. It follows the principles of natural justice and fairness. The concept of an injunction is a very simple concept, and the relief granted is a preventive concept. Specifically, CRPC, CPC and the “Special Relief Law” have injunctions and regulations based on prescribed laws. Each of these regulations provides some form of prohibition depending on the situation and circumstances.
Keywords: injunction, against municipal cooperation, gram panchayat, justice, good faith, good conscience, Natural Justice, Equity.

Dispute Settlement Mechanism under GATT

GATT Dispute Settlement has its own objective. It provides an orderly mechanism for deciding whether a Member has complied with its obligations under the Covered Agreements and an obligation, if a Member is found to be in breach, to ‘bring the measure into conformity’ with the relevant agreement, in effect to remove the offending measure. That is a process more akin to civil litigation in domestic systems, not to a criminal law process where the objective is to identify a wrongdoer and provide for punishment for the wrong.The GATT’s Dispute Settlement Body, with its Panel and Appeal stages, functions much more like a court, part of the effort to create a system of dispute resolution more rule based than power based. Appellate body rulings are the final word in trade disputes. Member States found to be in violation of one or more articles are expected to bring its legislation and actions into conformity with their WTO obligations. If an offending member fails to respond appropriately, the Dispute Settlement Body can authorize the injured Member to levy retaliatory tariffs. This paper aims to explain the stages under dispute settlement mechanism under GATT.
Keywords: Appellate Body, WTO, Dispute Settlement Body, Pane

International Immigration & Human Rights Law

Migration across borders can lead to tragic consequences for humanity and protection and the need for assistance from those involved. Although many arrive safely at their destination, others may find themselves in a tense situation either because they live there or are experiencing setbacks and many are enduring severe hardships and dangers. In these refugee cases, migrants are protected under international law against the consequences of disputes in the nation. The paper will also review relevant legislation especially on the issue of migration, refugees and also consider international law on discrimination which provides a framework for the protection of migrant protection and foreign bodies that help protect refugees. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the human rights of migrants and refugees prescribed by the UN Refugee Convention. At a time when states are increasingly challenging the logic of mobilizing refugees for their own citizens, questions now arise as to whether refugees should be allowed to enjoy the freedom of movement, work, obtain public welfare programs, or meet again. With family members. Doubts were expressed as to whether there was a duty to exempt refugees from visa and other immigration regulations and to allow refugees at all. Hathaway connects the standards of the UN Refugee Convention with key provisions of international human rights law and applies its analysis to the world’s most difficult defense challenges.

WTO and Environmental Standards Issues concerning Trade in India

Much environmental damage is caused due to the increased scale of global economic activities. Trade and environment are closely related to each other. There are certain areas where liberalization of trade aids environmental protection .Liberalized trade will also enable nations to overcome resource constraints, which may have previously limited their growth potential. As a result, the economic activity expands and the resources available for protection of environment will also expand. However, an increase in income, especially of the third world countries is necessary to improve the quality of environment. Another method by which trade liberalization may benefit environment is through exchange of environmentally clean products, services and technologies. Trade and environment are two areas which are intertwined. Trade has both advantageous and disadvantageous impact on environment. Trade helps the environmental cause by increasing the income levels of countries, so that they can spend more on environment related matters. Moreover competition in trade, as created by the WTO can result in both environment friendly products as well as methods of production. But trade can harm the environment as increased trade will always result in an indiscriminate use of natural resources.

Doors a Legislation has to go through in India

This research paper, as the name suggests, talks about various steps that are included in the process of making of legislation. The laws or the acts (legislations) that act as the rules of a country for maintaining peace, order and rights of the people has a very important and interesting process of its origination. This research paper talks about how the policy line of a bill is prepared and how it is legally scrutinized by the ministry of law in its initial stages which goes on further to the preparation of first draft by junior legislative counsel. The researcher in his paper also discusses an important aspect of legislative impact assessment in the preparation of a bill which is not a necessary step in India that is to be followed but needs to be followed as it is done by countries like Finland etc. The researcher in his paper goes further to discuss various other doors that a legislation has to go through till it gets the assent of the president of India to become the law of the land. This research paper also highlights some of the views that are given by our Hon’ble Supreme Court for understanding the true aspect behind the statement of object and reasons. This paper will help the readers to understand all the aspects of the legislation making process minutely.
Keywords: Legislation, Legislative Impact Assessment, Scrutiny, Junior Legislative Counsel