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The Manuscript titled “The Specific Relief (Amendment) Act, 2018” of IJLMH is recently Cited by 2-Judge Bench of Hon’ble Delhi High Court in Page 36 of the Judgement. The Judgement can be accessed by CLICKING HERE.
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IJLMH is India’s 1st pvt. Law Journal to provide FREE DOI for all the published papers.
We are also indexed at databases like HEINONLINE & MANUPATRA
About the Journal
International Journal of Law Management & Humanities is an Open Access, online bi-monthly scholarly Peer-Reviewed multi-disciplinary International journal bearing ISSN 2581-5369, established in June 2018, published by VidhiAagaz. It is highly reputed, Multi Indexed International Journal with an Impact Factor of 6.725 (2024). It is no secret that the landscape of scholarly publishing is quickly changing. There is an emergence of new perspectives among editors, reviewers and publishers which has ultimately given rise to new demands and expectations across disciplines.
International Journal of Law Management & Humanities intends to be a leader in facilitating a new kind of discussion in various fields of law, management and other such disciplines. Believing that such engagement is transformative and that it is time for transformation in academia, International Journal of Law Management & Humanities will be at the forefront in reinforcing relationships between communities and institutions of higher learning.
International Journal of Law Management & Humanities publishes the manuscripts revolving around Law, Management & Humanities Subjects.
Get one step ahead of everyone by getting FREE DOI along with your publication in MANUPATRA and GOOGLE SCHOLAR indexed Journal.
Call for Papers
The International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [ISSN: 2581 – 5369], ISO 9001-2015 Certified Research Journal invites Research papers, Articles, Short Notes, Book Reviews, Case Commentaries and other such for its upcoming volume. You can submit your manuscript via Online Submission System or through email at
The Journal is indexed at 30 Databases including HEINONLINE, MANUPATRA, Google Scholar, ROAD: the Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources by ISSN, Citefactor, Journal Factor, I2OR, SIS, ISI, DRJI, SJIF, SIF, IPIndexing, ICI, IFSIJ, IIJIF, RJIFactor, RootIndexing, SAJI, ResearchBib, ISIFI, and WCOSJ and works under the scope of Law, Management & Humanities areas.
Kindly follow the Submission Guidelines Provided and do not submit the manuscript to another journal or conference till it is in review at IJLMH. All Manuscripts submitted at IJLMH go through a strict plagiarism check at it first stage of review and then it is forwarded for review of Quality, originality and contribution.
We publish the live Issues and accept Manuscripts throughtout the year.
Review Results: Within 3 – 5 days of submission.
Features of the Journal
- Unique DOI assigned to each Manuscript.
- Free of Cost separate e-certificate assigned to each Author.
- Indexed at 30 Databases including HEINONLINE, MANUPATRA, Google Scholar, ROAD, etc.
- Has an Impact Factor of 6.725 (2024).
- We are highly reputed for authentic and qualitative research work.
- Quick & easy paper publication process.
- Very Quick Support team.
- Extensive and Experienced Editorial and Reviewer board.
- Minimum possible Article Processing Charges with best Services.
- International standards. [See a recent paper here].
- Review Results within 2-3 days.
- Most Articles rank at TOP in Google, hence increased visibility and recognition.
You can now get published on a Journal indexed in 30 databases, including HEINONLINE, MANUPATRA, ROAD, and GOOGLE SCHOLAR, and providing FREE DOI. So, why waste your efforts?
International Journal of Law Management & Humanities ®

Indexing: HeinOnline, Manupatra, Google Scholar + 23 Databases.
The Manuscript titled “The Specific Relief (Amendment) Act, 2018” of IJLMH is recently Cited by 2-Judge Bench of Hon’ble Delhi High Court in Page 36 of the Judgement. The Judgement can be accessed by CLICKING HERE.
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Major Indexing
IJLMH is India’s 1st pvt. Law Journal to provide FREE DOI for all the published papers.
We are also indexed at databases like HEINONLINE, MANUPATRA & GOOGLE SCHOLAR
Submit Manuscript
To submit your Manuscript Online (primary): CLICK HERE.
Email Submission:
About the Journal
International Journal of Law Management & Humanities is an Open Access, online bi-monthly scholarly Peer-Reviewed multi-disciplinary International journal bearing ISSN 2581-5369, established in June 2018, published by VidhiAagaz. It is highly reputed, Multi Indexed International Journal with an Impact Factor of 6.725. It is no secret that the landscape of scholarly publishing is quickly changing. There is an emergence of new perspectives among editors, reviewers and publishers which has ultimately given rise to new demands and expectations across disciplines.
International Journal of Law Management & Humanities intends to be a leader in facilitating a new kind of discussion in various fields of law, management and other such disciplines. Believing that such engagement is transformative and that it is time for transformation in academia, International Journal of Law Management & Humanities will be at the forefront in reinforcing relationships between communities and institutions of higher learning.
International Journal of Law Management & Humanities publishes the manuscripts revolving around Law, Management & Humanities Subjects.
Features of the Journal
- Unique DOI assigned to each Manuscript.
- Free of Cost separate e-certificate assigned to each Author.
- Indexed at 30 Databases including MANUPATRA, Google Scholar, ROAD, etc.
- Has an Impact Factor of 6.725.
- We are highly reputed for authentic and qualitative research work.
- Quick & easy paper publication process.
- Very Quick Support team.
- Extensive and Experienced Editorial and Reviewer board.
- Minimum possible Article Processing Charges with best Services.
- International standards. [See a recent paper here].
- Review Results within 2-3 days.
- Most Articles rank at TOP in Google, hence increased visibility and recognition.
You can now get published on a Journal indexed in 30 databases, including MANUPATRA, ROAD, and GOOGLE SCHOLAR, and providing FREE DOI. So, why waste your efforts?
Call for Papers
The International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [ISSN: 2581 – 5369], ISO 9001-2015 Certified Research Journal invites Research papers, Articles, Short Notes, Book Reviews, Case Commentaries and other such for its upcoming volume. You can submit your manuscript via Online Submission System or through email at
The Journal is indexed at 30 Databases including HEINONLINE, MANUPATRA, Google Scholar, ROAD: the Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources by ISSN, Citefactor, Journal Factor, I2OR, SIS, ISI, DRJI, SJIF, SIF, IPIndexing, ICI, IFSIJ, IIJIF, RJIFactor, RootIndexing, SAJI, ResearchBib , ISIFI, and WCOSJ and works under the scope of Law, Management & Humanities areas.
Kindly follow the Submission Guidelines Provided and do not submit the manuscript to another journal or conference till it is in review at IJLMH. All Manuscripts submitted at IJLMH go through a strict plagiarism check at it first stage of review and then it is forwarded for review of Quality, originality and contribution.
We publish the live Issues and accept Manuscripts throughtout the year.
Review Results: Within 1 – 2 days of submission.
Indexed at
Get one step ahead of everyone by getting FREE DOI along with your publication in HeinOnline, MANUPATRA and GOOGLE SCHOLAR indexed Journal.