Custodial Deaths with Reference to Prevention against Torture Bill, 2017

Custodial death refers to death of the accused in the police custody or by the encounter of the accused by the public servants such as police officials, even without the orders of the court. The useless torture made by the officials to accused even without knowing that whether they are really accused or not. Why such encounters are being made? For the promotion in department?, for getting name, fame and pictures in the front pages of the newspapers?, or for getting extra-money? Now the question arises that how the police officials get extra money? Sometimes they know that person arrested is actually the accused, but the representatives (friends, family or relatives) of the accused bribe the officials to release the actual person and arrest some other person. There is strict need of law to curb this problem. The Prevention Against Torture Bill, 2017 is still pending in the parliament and is waiting to be called as act. Also a movie named “Jolly LL.B 2”depecits the same the scene, that how the police officials release the actual accused and arrest some other person, and latter on his back the official shoots him; why this happened? It was because the officer was bribed. We should just keep one thing in mind that if the situation didn’t came in control, then the whole system will be corrupt, as all such termite like people will eat the system.

Paradigm Shift in the Policy of the Newspapers in India

In India where written Constitution is there in which media freedom has been given a Constitutional Right, the media enjoys vast freedom and proved media. But since its inception the media ownership has been playing a critical role in setting an agenda in the news and views which are directly linked to the relationship with the media owner, has been subject to a lot of criticism for the manner in which they have disregarded their obligation of social responsibility. But since Narendra Modi led BJP comes into the power in the Union in 2014, the situation worsens, as the media has given extra task of spreading pro-incumbent agenda along with its self-interest agenda. As Union has lots of discretionary powers in regulating the media, was used in pressurising the media, results in changing the entire paradigm of the news industry. As a result all most all mainstream media including newspapers started supporting the BJP, its Hindutva and Nationalist agenda, which is unprecedented in the history of media industry in India, as India witnessed media’s strong foot even during Emergency regime of Indira Gandhi. In India the media concentration has also helped a lot, as majority of the media is concentrated in the hands of very few, who own other business establishments along with the media. In this paper the researcher tries to study the social responsibility of print media in the wake of media house ownership and the State pressure.
Keywords: Agenda Setting, Media Ownership, Newspaper, Objectivity in News, Paradigm Shift, Social Responsibility.

Comparative Study of Customer Expectations and Preference between Small Scale and Large Scale Web Streaming Services

In the world of instant noodles, package delivery, booking a cab, ordering food when and where needed, the service industry really puts an effort to satisfy consumers’ needs and wants instantly. As the entertainment industry continues to expand, competition between TV cable and online streaming services increases. The research tries to understand the consumers preferences in online video streaming services and changing scenario of TV cable and online video streaming market in India. A study is attempted on the customers’ preference and response towards the large and small scale web streaming service industry and factors affecting the consumer’s choice while choosing between TV cable and online streaming videos. Sample data was collected through an online survey questionnaire in India from 52 people. This paper has studied Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar and TVFPLAY web streaming services. Particularly this paper aims to establish a conceptual understanding of customer response towards large and small scale web streaming industry affecting the TV cable industry. It also tries to understand a slow shift of audience’s focus from TV cable to web streaming services.
Keywords – web streaming services, consumer preferences, Cable Television, online streaming, web search, online video streaming

Scope of Medical Tourism in India & The Legal Scenario

This paper looks at the potential impact of medical tourism on the health workforce and health system in India. Besides the definite cost advantage, the presences of a well-trained and English speaking work force, a mix of modern and indigenous systems of medicine, and super specialty centers which boast of the best technologies available in the world are some of the factors in favor of India. Along with the corporate sector, the government of India has also responded to the growing sector of medical tourism in India, through the National Health Policy, 2002, and by issuing medical visas for tourists seeking treatment in India. As a medical visitor one might face certain legal challenges, like in the event of malpractice suits one might find it difficult to claim for damages, simply because insurance laws vary based on country. Even though hospitals and dental care clinics in India have insurance for medical malpractice, the actual settlement for incorrect diagnosis, negligence or incompetence might not be the amount will not be same. Likewise, there are several challenges in terms of legal aspects. .Through this paper, the author would be analyzing the challenges in regulation of the medical tourism in India and how there can be a balance between not restricting the business unreasonably and at the same time maintaining effective regulations and guidelines for the smooth functioning as well as development of the sector.

India in 21st Century: A need for a proper Refugee Law

We live in a chaotic world and this fact doesn’t change when we actually give it a true look across the globe. Since the beginning of 20th century we have been witnessing wars in different ways one could have never imagined. From Nuclear weapons to Cold War, from persecution to people fleeing their homes, the world has witnessed it all. We, Human beings have always let ourselves down. We gave ourselves the Human Rights and we are the ones who are the sole violators of the same. We make laws and then we break and mold them as per our own wishes. During all this making and breaking of laws, it is the people who suffer the most. One of the worst possible scenarios that has been happening through these centuries is the people have been rendered homeless owing to wars happening inside and outside the countries all these years. The term which has been widely used to identify people who have fled to different countries as a result of these wars and the fear of being persecuted in their home country is “Refugee”. International Law has a very long history of development but when it comes to the identification of Refugees, this area is relatively new and was not even considered until the World War II. Now that we have several instruments that pertain to the people who have fled their homes and are regarded as Migrants, Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons, etc., many countries have signed them and provided protection and rights to the concerned. India, on the other hand has been always termed as one of the best countries known for its hospitality but when it comes to Refugee laws, it has refrained from signing the Convention on refugees and it also does not have its own national Law for Refugees. This research paper intends to comprehend why India has not signed the Refugee Convention of 1951 and why it needs a proper Refugee Law of its own.

The Capacity of a Destination to Accommodate Halal Tourism Industry Responses from Mauritius

The Muslim travel market is one of the most emerging lucrative sector across the globe and yet despite this huge potential, Halal tourism remains relatively untapped. It is expected by 2026 that the Halal travel sector’s proportion to the global economy is made up of 35% representing around US$ 300 Billion and 10% of tourists worldwide. While various studies suggest that countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Morocco, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates amongst others are portrayed as the top Halal tourist destinations, no research has been conducted on the potential of Mauritius for Halal tourism. Consequently, this research aims to assess the future of Halal tourism in Mauritius given that the tourism sector is among the five main economic pillars of the country. In particular, this study will assess the awareness level of Halal tourism and the offering of Shariah compliant tourism facilities in Mauritius. This paper adopts the descriptive analytical approach and data is collected from questionnaires distributed to the target population, books, newspapers articles, journal articles and official websites. This study intends to recommend an action plan to the stakeholders concerned with the view of encouraging Halal tourism in Mauritius.
Keywords: Halal tourism in Mauritius, Mauritius and tourism, Shariah tourism, Islamic hotels, Halal package