The Development of Transboundary Air Pollution and the Impact on Environment

International concerns over the degradation of environment has been less perceived. At the same time, it is important to note that air pollution is becoming a serious concern for the health and economy of many nations around the globe. With the objective to reduce air pollution various conferences were organized however, it was observed that different nation-states were indulged in the game of finger pointing. This act was ineffective for confrontation with transboundary air pollution and certainly highlighted the fact that problem of air pollution requires a high level of international cooperation and dialogues for the matter of fact that air knows no boundary. Air Pollution has become a global reason and significant contributor to childhood illness and death around the world. The article addresses the international developments in confronting the issue of transboundary air pollution. The Europe has emerged as a key leader for mitigating the transboundary air pollution to a great extent and the minor steps undertaken by Asia and North America are significant to combat the menace. Air pollution is a global as well as regional issue, and a trend towards international cooperation and employing scientific principles would aid to significantly reduce the pollution to a great level.

The Impact of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law on the Home Buyers: A Critical Analysis

In India, Real Estate Sector has developed at an escalating pace. The common man puts in all of his efforts in the form of his savings and loans to look forward to getting into his dream home, where he can spend the rest of his life peacefully. However, studies have shown that housing sales have gone through a downtrend by about forty percent in the last few years. More so this sector was going through a transitional phase during the past few years. To acknowledge this issue, the Government of India came up with an Amendment in the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 i.e. THE INSOLVENCY AND BANKRUPTCY CODE (SECOND AMENDMENT) ACT, 2018. The main objective of the Government to bring up this amendment was to provide the homebuyers the status of that of a financial creditor. This would safeguard the interests of all those people who spend lakhs of rupees but are harassed due to delay in possession and incomplete real estate projects. The paper aims at critically analyzing the very aim of the legislature to amend the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016; focusing on the misery faced by the home buyers. The paper also explains how the home buyers are on an equal footing with all the other stakeholders by entitling them to be a part of the Committee of Creditors.
Keywords: Committee of Creditors, Financial Creditor, Home Buyers, Insolvency and Bankruptcy, Real Estate Sector.

Marital Rape

The term marital rape is used to define non-consensual acts performed by the victim spouse or ex-spouse. Marital rape is an issue that persist since ancient ages but remain in the background of domestic violence. It became evident with the increase in civilization. The victim of marital sexual abuse demonstrates medical and psychological problem following the incident. Among the problem vaginal and anal injuries, vaginal infection, nightmare stress disorder is among the psychological problems. Marital rape is still being ignored or considered normal some societies, which can discourage the victims report the assault victim usually don’t report the incident because of their shame and dread of their spouses ecquaitances. The protection of the victim and to sentence the perpetrators important in term of serving as example – ethics committee approval, informed consent, financial disclosure.
In legal field, active studies have been conducted in the last century the privacy of the issue, the small number of compliments, unsettled legislation these subjects to be one of the today’s problem as a result of the studies carries out with 580 females in the university of Benin. The case Independent thought v. union of India is the landmark case concerning the issue of marital rape where supreme court has given the stern decision regarding the modesty of the women.
One of the accept of marital rape that resemblance of the other type of domestic violence is it recurrent feature. Women who were forced to marital intercourse repeatedly experience the same situation where as the repeated rape make marriage unbearable for women, the percentage of sexual abuse victim who report the abuse of judicial authorities is very low.
‘Death with dignity is better than life with humiliation’

Abolition of Death Penalty in India: A Critical Study

Abolition of Death Penalty in India: A Critical Study​ Dr. Vijay Pal Singh Assistant Professor (Law) Amity University Haryana, India. —– Ms. Swechha Malik Ph.D Scholar (Law) Amity University Haryana, India. Volume III, Issue VI, 2020 There has been an...

International Consensus on Cyber Warfare: Challenges and Implications

The International community emphasized State sovereignty with an object to promote the norms set forth in the United Nations Charter. Accordingly, each State has sovereign power and will have to protect their nation includes people and property. With this concept, number of international conventions was drafted including International Humanitarian Law or Law of Armed Conflicts or Law of War which emphasized on traditional warfare. On contemporary, the modern era is the evident of drastic changes in technology. It has a great impact in each and every walk of the life of the people includes in warzone. The current system of technology paves a new platform to a modern warfare through sophisticated equipment which is available to every human being. Now, not only conventional military weapons such as tracked and directed by computer, computer itself is a weapon to target the military and entire system of the enemy State. Globalization makes everything be globalized including the safe guards and security aspects of the nations too. It is a known fact, technology not only dominates the human activities and it also plays a vital role in dominating State activities without observing the principle of State Sovereignty. This paper aims to understand the impact, use of technology in warfare and its impact on the society.
Keywords: State Sovereignty, Armed Conflicts, Globalization, Cyber War and Cyber Crime

Fragrances and Personality Types: Are they Related?

The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between personality and perfume/fragrance preferred by an individual. Various questions were asked in the questionnaire about the personality and perfume related questions. This helped in the conclusion and final analysis of the data so collected. Data was collected either manually or online through google forms. It is essential today in the age of marketing and branding to acknowledge the presence of the phenomenon that is perfume, its brand personality and contents, and the effect it has on its customers. This study aims to correlate the various attributes of perfumes to the spending capacity and information perception of people, keeping in mind the diverse personality trends that occur in our modern world.
Keywords: Data, Attributes, questionnaire