Critical Analysis of the Violation of Human Rights in North Korea, to Cause Dire Consequences in the 2020 Pandemic

Critical Analysis of the Violation of Human Rights in North Korea, to Cause Dire Consequences in the 2020 Pandemic

For decades, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – more commonly known as North Korea – has been one of the world’s most controversial countries when we talk about human rights. This research paper focuses on a critical analysis of the past, present and prospective stand of human rights in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea aka North Korea. The approach followed during the research is mainly qualitative and expository in nature, it consults area studies, social science, law and journalism, while it observes recent past and current North Korean human right violations and their responses.
When we talk about human rights, we usually think of social and political freedoms such as the freedom of speech, freedom of access to electronic media and freedom of political participation. But human rights primarily refer to ‘the right to live as the common owner of one’s society.’ There is no human right more important than the right to life. Above all else, a human being must be guaranteed the basic conditions to feed, clothe, house and support oneself in order to survive. Thus, the value of the paper lies in its explanation of why and how the use of human right is violated and abused by the government of a democratic country such as North Korea and how the violation pf such rights lead to a situation of chaos and consequential threat in the current pandemic.

Raising Concerns for Crime against Woman in India

In the modern era where growth and development should be the prime concern, people are also concerned with crime and violence against woman as it is increasing day by day. The progressive society needs some progress in their mindset as well, in order to eradicate such crime against woman. The following research paper deals with woman being the victim in the society. Although there have been various laws formulated to protect woman but unfortunately the offenders get par with it. There are also various reasons for violence against woman and this has also been outlined in the paper. Despite the violence we lack for solutions regarding such. The also outline the reasonability of punishment and the theories of punishment followed in India and what should have been followed. The crux of the following paper is dealt under the sub topic of punishments for different rape provisions, categorizing two groups of punishment and also dealing with the recent amendments of the laws. The misuse of powers by the competent authority and also the demand of speedy trial for the victims has always been an issue of concern and have been outlined below as well. The proper use of power, awareness of different laws and their penal provisions, as well as a proper sense of morality and enhanced punishments for offenders which only can only put a cap to such crime and violence against woman.
Keywords: Crime, Violence, Woman, Rape, Amendments.

Frail International Obligation and Imperiled Global Peace: The Myth of Pacta Sunt Servanda

The law of the treaties is based on the principles of “pacta sunt servanda” which means that agreements are to be kept. It is one of the basic principles of international law that treaties must be performed in good faith and are binding. Article 26 of the Vienna Convention on Law of The Treaties reiterates that treaties are meant to be adhered to in good faith. Bilateral or multilateral treaties and agreements have been the most apt and amicable way of addressing disputes between the nations. These treaties lay down rights and obligations of the parties and the course of action required to ensure de-escalation of the dispute. Yet there have been numerous instances where the treaties and agreements have violated for individual interests of nations. In significant number of cases, such breaches jeopardized the international peace and security. This can be ascribed to the inefficient enforcement regime and insignificant repercussion for such breaches. This has grossly limited the relevance of the law of treaties and the principle “pacta sunt servanda” has been rendered nugatory. This research paper attempts to throw light upon the lacunas in the existing regime of the United Nations regarding the breach of treaties. It also attempts to put forward suggestions and reforms to strengthen the obligation of aggressors.

Travesty of Rights of Muslim Women in Marriages: Are the Centuries Old Qur’anic Verses Prejudiced or Misinterpreted?

The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019 draws its roots from the centuries old Islamic law and presents an alleviating stance on the condition of Muslim women in India. Muslims are a minority in India and the current act looks promissory in the front of being a symbolical representation of India’s stand against gender discrimination. This piece of legislation is regarded way ahead for the Muslim women as it tries to correct the wrongs perpetrated against them and thereby end the various forms of discrimination. The old scriptures and texts act as solid evidence that women in Islam had a strong footing and were considered equals to their male counterparts. But the translations throughout the years change all of that to males overpowering females and the laws being biased. The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019 presents a threshold of laws to deal with every single principle which is prejudiced in its essence.
Keywords: Muslim Women, Rights, Marriage, Islam.

Recent Reform in Indian Farming Sector: A Blessing or Curse

A Significant population of India lives in villages and for millions of people agriculture is not the ‘mode of business’ but the ‘way of life’. It’s the lifeline of not only the person attached to it, but for whole country. Agriculture being the most important part of the Indian economy not only provides food, but is also the biggest employment generating sector. However the saddest part is that the people attached i.e. farmers, who are the flag bearers are one of the most deprived classes. Various reforms happened in past but nothing much changed. Per hectare production increased, but what didn’t change was the condition of farmers. Irony of the situation is, the farmer who is bringing foods to our plates is not getting sufficient on his plate. The present system was not helping them to even fetch their basic needs, thus resulting in increased suicide rates among farmers. So the sitting government felt the need of some reform in the system and they came up with three farm bills which are Essential commodity (amendment bill) 2020 Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act 2020 and Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act 2020. Since the day these bills came into existence they continue to remain a part of the headlines. Farmers don’t seem to be very impressed with the same. They were burning in the fire of anger, protests were happening everywhere. Keeping the situation in mind the researchers tries to analyse all the three bills in detail. Policy analysis in detail is the main aim of this paper. Researcher focuses on every aspect of the bills like the benefits and loopholes present. The researcher also tries to give some useful suggestions which can amend the loopholes.
Keywords: Agriculture, Farmers, Essential Commodity, Suicide, Price Assurance.

Right to Education: Education as a Human Right

In the gift age of economic process and technological developments, the overriding requirement for endurance within the society is “education” because it creates hope and plays a vital role within the method of the growth of personalities. The importance of education can’t be denied in one’s life. It sustains the human values that contribute to the individual and collective well-being. It forms the idea for long learning and evokes confidence to face challenges. It provides the talents for people to become additional independent and alert to the proper opportunities. It additionally enhances the power of people to act passed through and additional well-read voters. The education is that the key that permits individuals to manoeuvre up within the world, ask for higher jobs, and ultimately achieve their lives. So, education is incredibly vital, and none ought to be empty it. By analysing this writing, we will without delay comprehend, why education and “RIGHT TO EDUCATION” is very important and required. This paper additionally throws light-weight on the RTE act throughout COVID-19.
Keywords: Right to Education (RTE) Act, technological era (Digital learning), COVID-19.