Critical Analysis of Spousal Rape: A Fortunate Crime

Spousal rape is also known as rape, victim rape, marital rape, or inmate rape. Marital rape is same as rape. In relationships when there are women who get unwanted or forced sex with their husband’s they are called as spouse’s rape. Since, a very long time marital rape is a crime which women’s are tolerating from a long back which really needs to get addressed. Marital rape should be a crime in India as rape is rape whether it is committed by an unknown person or spouse and I do not stop here that marriage rape should be criminalized it should be criminalized but there should be many changes to current rape laws. Marital rape is a crime that outrages the dignity of a women .according to the teachings of the bhagvatagita no one has the right to violate or humiliate women, nearly 7.8 million women are raped by their partners every day, the fact that there is no physical evidence of violence does not mean that a women was never raped. – About 2/3 of the crimes are taken against a person known to the victims. Marital rape also violates the fundamental right of women to live with dignity , right to life and right to privacy is also violated covered under Article 21 , and also Article 14 – right to equality of Indian constitution Since, a very long time marital rape is a crime which women’s are tolerating from a long back which really needs to addressed.
Keywords- marital rape, basic right, forced sex, human dignity, equality.

Refugee Law and the Observance of Policy of Non-Refoulement

The world is beset by refugee crisis especially in the 21st century. All the major countries of the world are dealing with this situation in their own ways. In this context, the Refugee Convention of 1951 and its Protocol of 1967 grants the path by which such countries can deal with this situation. Though a number of countries, including India, have not ratified the convention but because they have ratified other human rights treaties and convention, they are equally bound by the convention forming the part of international customary law, especially the policy of non-refoulement that governs the situation dealing with deportation of refugees in the country of their origin where there is substantial fear of them facing persecution due to their race, religion, nationality, social group or political opinion.
Objective of the paper: The paper seeks to analyse the policy of non-refoulement as part of international customary law and what is the trend that countries are adopting with regards to such a policy in the wider umbrella of their domestic refugee legislation.
Research Methodology: The paper is based on primary data collected from Books & Articles and secondary data collected from internet, newspapers, magazines and journals
Keywords: International convention on the status of refugees, non-refoulement, national treatment, refugees

Effect of Unethical Practices in Corporate World: A Case Study in WorldCom

Introduction: There are some common unethical business practices in corporates like Misleading Product Information, Unfair Competition, Mistreating Employees, Manipulating Accounts, bribery etc. that many companies around the world are guilty of adopting for success. This paper shows how the WorldCom Company used unethical ways for its functioning. Any sort of unethical trade practice in any kind of business activity have serious consequences which hinders the business and most of the time it is not able to stand in the market as before.
Objective: The paper is an attempt to throw light on the unethical practices being carried out by the WorldCom a leading telecom company. The way in which these unethical practices impact the reputation of the company and also its stockholders is also discussed here. It is a lesson for other corporates across the globe with measures to improve the business which is conducted on a international platform. It is just a paper that shows the conditions of businesses who uses such unethical ways for their business activities.
Approach: The paper deals with the concept and case study investigation performed with reference to the effect which WorldCom’s unethical practices had on its investors.
Findings: Regrettably, in the current scenario, it is noticed that a there are umpteen cases of unethical practices in corporates / organizations when it comes to dealing with finances. On deep analysis of WorldCom’s case study, the point to be noted is that due to company’s involvement in manipulating their books of accounts to deceive investors, lenders and end-consumers people lost the trust in WorldCom Company and hence the brand reputation of WorldCom was crashed. The case study sets an example for other companies if they involve in getting unprofessionally accomplished success and hence devise regulatory setups which will be of help to prevent such occurrences in future.
Limitations: This research paper is conceptualized and is purely based on published reports.
Keywords: unethical, credibility, stakeholders, unprofessionally.

COVID-19 and Its Impact on International Trade

In this paper, an attempt has been made to understand and analyse the damage done by the Covid- 19 pandemic on the international trade and the consequences which continues to follow. Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a new virus on 31st December 2019 which was causing cluster of pneumonia cases detected among the people living within the premises of the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province of China which was subsequently identified as a novel coronavirus later termed as SARS-CoV2 or in a more general term COVID-19 pandemic. This paper discusses about how the virus has outreached almost all nations creating a havoc and a mass death toll raging among the human population living thousands of miles apart separated from borders created by both the sea and the land and later discuss as to how it now poses a major global crisis to all the economies of the world irrespective of their size and the thriving economic power they possess. The ghost of this event looms large. This paper provides a thorough and an impact analysis of the way COVID-19 threatens the life of millions around the globe and how it will endanger their livelihood in the near future if this health crisis reaches a state where it will have an enormous impact on the world economy, trade, consequently on jobs of people and their well-being. It concludes with a conclusion and preventive measures which can be taken by the countries across the globe to fight the incoming global economic crisis.

An Analysis of Section 25 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956

This paper aims to disentangle the debate regarding the interpretation of the term ‘murder’ used in Section 25 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956. The paper shall determine whether the term murder under Section 25 of the Act solely confines its definition to its technical meaning opined in the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or is subject to exposition in terms of public policy. By throwing the light on various case laws the paper will examine the cases where the accused was convicted under other sections of the Code apart from Section 302 and still disqualified under Section 25 of the Act. The paper shall also ascertain if there is a need for amendment in the provision under Section 25 of the Act to meet the present social demands of the society.

Religious Law and Hate Crime in Developing Countries Special Reference to India

Secularism is an integral part of India where freedom of religion is a fundamental right provided to all citizens where religion is considered most important aspect of all most every citizen of the country. The Indian constitution and many other law states about protection of religious belief, religion is a sensitive topic it only involves morals of person but also includes upbringing of an individual .The undeniable fact is there are many flaws are accepted and rectified ,violence in the name of religion is becoming part of daily activity, tackle the hate crimes. The majority of hate crimes are mostly done through the social media and other various modes. Author in this article concentrate on religious law and crimes to accept the flaws know the drawbacks and come up with effective legislation and bring unity among the people. In 21st century although we are ahead in technology, still we are finding it hard to Religious is basis of human life which is not mere a belief but way of living as the livelihood of each religious follower differs from other.
Keywords: religious law, crimes, secularism, freedom of religion and religious belief.