Fake News During Covid-19

Every citizen of the India is having Right to Freedom of Speech and expression under Article 19(1)(a) of Indian Constitution however this right is subject to the reasonable restrictions under Article 19(2). This Right means one can express this views and opinion through any medium without any interruptions.
Following article will be dealing about the restriction upon article 19(1)(a) and how fake news doesn’t come under the 19(1)(a) one cannot spread fake news since it’s subject to nations security. Due to fake news covid-19 chances to spread all over the country increases.
This article will also be dealing with the steps taken by Government for fake news during the time crises and what punishments are could be given to the fake news spreaders.

Marital Rape: Screams Unheard

India has experienced many precedents of what is referred to as hate crime or communal violence since independence. This communal violence has badly affected India’s religious minorities like muslims, Sikhs and Christians. This type of violence is mainly for used for social, economic and political gains. This type of violence is frequently met with mobs and in certain cases direct collaboration with state actors, ranging from exhorting violence through hate speech and denying to properly investigate the incidents after they have occurred. It follows that communal violence further exhorting the disparage of those affected and to those who face high levels of uncertainty alongside merger access to justice. These minorities have long been the target of different types of persecution such as threats, hate crimes, forced conversions and attacks on places of worship. Although in recent years there has been rise in incidents of communal violence against India’s religious minorities. Threats, hate speech and a wave of attacks around cow slaughter have particularly targeted muslims as well as to people who belongs to lower castes. Now a days, this violence has led to greater fear amongst religious minorities in particular muslims. Also christians have recently faced communal violence at the hands of mob who have attacked churches with false claims of forced conversion; reports of some minor cases of violence against sikhs community have recently emerged as well.

India-Russia Bilateral Relations

In Relations between India and Russia are planted in history, mutual trust and mutually gain cooperation, and which possess the support of the citizen of both countries. Russia has been a long standing and demonstrable partner for India. Development of India-Russia relations has been a key pillar of India’s foreign policy. Traditionally, the Indo-Russian strategic partnership has been built on five major components: politics, defence, civil nuclear energy, anti-terrorism co-operation and space but after the signing of “Declaration on the India-Russia Strategic Partnership” in October 2000, India-Russia bond have acquired a approximately change face with enlarging levels of cooperation in almost all sites of the bilateral relationship consisting political, security, defense, trade and economy, science and technology, and culture

Food Security and Livelihood Security Under WTO and FTAs

In this era of globalization, one of the most crucial issues which have emerged in different nations of the world is food insecurity. Due to changes in environmental and economic phenomenon food security is highly affected. Though nations are developing, even some are already developed but people residing in these nations are not aware of the concept of food security. So it’s really important to know what food security is all about. The definition of food security was given by the Rome Declaration on World Food Security at the World Food Summit held in 1996 due to global concerns. It says, “Food security exists when all people, at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life”. The World Trade Organization (WTO) describes three main aspects of food security. The first one is food availability i.e. having a satisfactory amount of food, the second one is food access i.e. having resources from which one can obtain food and the final one is food utilization i.e. one person should make appropriate use of food available.

The Role of Good Governance in India

Governance of any nation or for that matter, of any entity has some basic characteristics like the right exercise of authority and responsibility and decision making process by a group or committee affecting the population or the majority of an economy. Good governance has nine core features- participatory, consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, equitable and inclusive, efficient and effective, rule of law and trustee of the governed.
So, good governance is clearly an ideal. However, in reality, it is not quite optimally achievable but still we should move towards it to ensure sustainable development. To have a good governance, any nation’s leadership should be strong and have a concerted action from the civil society can lead towards the achievement of it and get the rid of problems that plaguing the economy.
In the words of Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General,
“Good governance is ensuring respect for human rights and the rule of law; strengthening democracy; promoting transparency and capacity building in public administration”

A Study of Women on Board of Directors of Indian Companies

All companies have their own strategy about their corporate governance and the business ethics are now turning their focus towards gender diversity at the senior level of business. Some countries implement this cover by focusing the special requirement for women directors in their corporate governance. The main study lies on attention goes to section 149(1) women directors and position of women in India companies act 2013 As far as Indian corporate governance is concerned the board diversity, they need to get adequate recognition, section 149(1) of the act makes it mandatory that every listed company should appoint a women director with in a year. When we discuss about women in corporate field first important area hit our mind is “glass ceiling” is transparent barrier in an organisation were women can face freely get promoted to the higher level in her company without any hurdles or male domination This paper will also analysis the need and position enjoyed by women under the companies act, 1956 and also identify the alike legislation enforced in an-other jurisdiction.
Keyword: Women Directors, Comparative study, board of directors, companies Act 2013.