Protest in 21st century

99% percent of modern world that we know today is the result of people showing their discontent with the present conditions. Protest has changed the world. It has always been the most powerful weapon of revolution known to mankind. From the dawn of human life on planet earth the protest, rebellion has been the constant companion of humans Protests in 21st century all around the world have also observed the concept of breach of promise i.e. ‘when anyone enters in an agreement or changing conditions lead to an agreement or contract irrevocability due to time constraint or individual needs etc. it leads draining of our resources to our partner making him overpower in combination and finally hostile and aggressive with self centric decisions. Author through this essay revisits the history of start of rebellion in the world and analyses the psychology behind the protests using protests in 21st century as the main theme.

Protests in 21st century

“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying greed. If people all over the world….would do this, it would change the earth.”
These are the words of Sir William Faulkner an American writer. Indeed, to raise voice against injustice, exploitation and tyrannical administration has to be raised in order to curb injustice and oppression. Struggles between the oppressed and the oppressor have been witnessed by almost every nation. The terms oppressor and oppressed have been interpreted differently by different scholars. In the book “The Communist Manifesto” Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles it has been mentioned that,
“The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.”

An Epoch of Digital Activism

The progressive social changes through social media and internet is regarded as a new insight in understanding activism prevailing in 21st Century. In the last decade, the Republic of India has witnessed a series of protests and its close nexus of modus operandi through technological development. Presently, India has seen active growth of new social media platforms to express social concerns while it bridges the gap between traditional media and internet/digital media. Recent developments in communication trends has brought the youth of the nation into mass movements. Voluntary generated content has a dynamic effect, be it a positive or a negative impact in the society. In this modern era of technology, the social media has projected its power to gather people and to lead a digitally empowered movement with unity. Freedom given is awarded by the Constitution of India through Freedom of Speech and Expression which is enveloped with reasonable restriction.
Keywords: social media, protest, social movements, freedom of expression, social movements.

Protesting in the 21st Century

The article highlights the relevance of protests in the current socio-political scenario. The main object of any protest is to bridge the communication gap that exists between the government and people with respect to major decisions. The people resort to protests to actively criticise the government with regard to implementation of legislation. Any major decisions taken need the voice of reason of people whom it concerns. Protest have been taking place since the birth of societies and social order, and have transformed through time into the 21st century. The article deals with newer methods of protests in the online platform and calls for a system wherein communication is made easy between the people and the government. Several instances of protests in history and present times have been analysed along with current legislations dealing with the right to protest. The latin phrase ‘Vox Populi, Vox Dei’ would suffice to summarise the main theme of the article.

Protests in 21st century

The Certain events of civil unrest in India such as violent crowds, protests and riots which put a serious strain on the secular foundation of the society. Be it the Swadeshi Movement of 1905 or Satyagrah in 1930, movements have shaped the history of the nation. As Tamil Nadu witnesses protests and shutdowns demanding constitution of the Cauvery Management Board, This article highlights checks some of the powerful protests of modern India.

Stepping up Environment Rights through Gezi Park Protests

What occurs when a prime minister portrays a momentous demonstration as a plot outside? The response of the Turkish government to the Gezi Park demonstrations, a response based on a conspiracy theory of an’ exchange rate lobby, offers a rare example for investigating the impact of conspiracy theories on major protests. Building on quantitative and qualitative material review of the reactions of internet consumers to the conspiracy theories of the government, I analyze the socio-political importance of this hoax language. The results indicate that (1) internet users ‘ previous political opinions forecast their reactions to conspiracy theories, and (2) The users ‘ remarks based on their policy views. These indicate that citizens continue to view the conspiracy theories in accordance with their personal beliefs and desires, and subsequently that the theory frames of the government about the protests seem to have led to the democratic instability by reinforcing the rift between supporters and opponents of the Justice and Development Party (AKP)