by IJLMH | Oct 28, 2019
Do we know our identity? Can we accept everyone’s identity regardless the existing prejudices? Can identity politics bring a sense of equality or will it break us into pieces of groups?.Through this short article , I want to explain the elementary concept of identity politics that has always been in the corner of roads of equality and justice and how has it changed the whole spectrum the fight for gender justice and equality .A lot of people have been staying in the closet and not come out from centuries due to fear , not of being judged but of being dead. In these times of extreme judgement and hatred , the movies, tv shows , books and every other source of mass communication has helped people to become more accepting and understanding about the different identities every human car-ry along with their personality and it is totally not justified to harm them for their mere identity . This article aims to create a sense of ease and acceptance for all those who have been quite judg-mental and prejudicial about the various identities of humans. It goes without saying that the whole concept of identity politics stands by the saying “live and let live” and we as mere humans should be more accepting and understanding if not then just mind our businesses and not create havoc and chaos because you don’t find the other human in lines of your understanding of identity. while movements still take and people yet again sacrifice their lives for the rights of their identity , it would make it easier for them if we as people support their decision to choose the path and make the world a euphoric state.
by IJLMH | Oct 28, 2019
The telecom industry is considered as having the highest potential for investment in India. Recognizing that the telecom sector is one of the prime movers of the economy, the government’s regulatory and policy initiatives have also been directed towards establishing a world-class telecommunication infrastructure in India. Recently, customers are focusing high quality services. The requirements and expectations of the customer are increasing very fast. There is also an increase in the expectations of the product and service in terms of confirming to certain standards, reliability, dependability, durability, performance, features, appearance, safety and user-friendliness. This study has been undertaken by the researcher to examine the behavioural profile of users of this service taking into consideration the socio economic characteristics and the market policies and practices of the services providers.
by IJLMH | Oct 28, 2019
The safety of citizens is the bedrock of working of every democracy in the world. It includes protection at workplaces. In recent past, world witnessed a wide wave of me too which touched the Indian society too. It strenghtened the unheard voices of the people that went through trauma following such incident. It didn’t aimed to bring out the whistleblower but provide resources to the needy women and console them that they don’t survive in solitude. There are other women also who underwent the same story and by letting the story out, they can help others too. This article focuses the history mandatorily to be carved out to understand the objective of movement and remedies available to individual victim. The truths and myths of gender neutrality of laws and the survival story of prostitutes too. the wave reflected out the outcomes that it proposed? The campaign covered all the unheard voices? Didn’t it again stirred up the questions of trial by meia and the dreadful effect over the court by easily molding the opinions of the members of the Bar and BENCH?
One side of the coin shows women being respected and worshipped as goddess but the other side of the same shows that there were instances of sexual abuse faced by them. This paper draws out the historical otline of the movement and the impact it left in the society.They together aim at bringing out an equalitarian society where people are paid reverence with a safe and sound working environment made available to all.
Keywords: women workers, gender neutrality laws, trial by media, solutions
by IJLMH | Oct 28, 2019
The builders of Indian Republic and founding fathers of our Constitution had considered it necessary to provide specific safeguards in the constitution for the uplift of Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) communities in India. The Central and State Governments have also launched several welfare and developmental programs to fulfill the constitutional obligations in free India in order to make SC/ST communities catch up other sections of Indian society in the race for social, economic, political and cultural progress. It is distressing to note that the gains of development have not yet reached the intended classes to the desired extent. Despite various measures to improve the socio-economic conditions of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes communities remain weak and vulnerable in all spheres of human life in India. The relevance and utility of constitutional provisions for SCs/STs in India is examined in this article which is based on an extensive review of literature.
by IJLMH | Oct 28, 2019
Since the last decade organic market has been growing. Many of the people were understood the importance and need of gripping the organic products. Using natural fertilizers organic products are generated. Consumers started to select organic food health concern and environmental concern and also due to attributes like nutrition value, taste, freshness. This study aims to analyze the factor influencing the consumers to buy the organic products. The main goals are to examine the attitude, preference of the respondents and their valuable suggestions. This study is based on the purely original collected data. The data were collected on the basis of questionnaire method from 50 respondents. SPSS statistical tools like percentage, ANNOVA,
T-Test were used the check the reliability of data which was collected. Thus, this study analyzed the consumer’s preference towards organic products in Coimbatore District.
Keywords: Organic product, Preference and factors.
by IJLMH | Oct 28, 2019
“Electronic-Commerce “means buying or selling of goods and services over an electronic or a digital network. The digital revolution has provided access to a large variety of products at competitive prices and India has also been a significant part of this digital revolution. In recent years India is witnessing consistent growth in the E-Commerce market. With large increasing digital literacy and mobile use across India, the Indian e-commerce sector has seen a boom which no industry has ever witnessed. Electronic commerce technologies have changed the structure and environment of business worldwide. E commerce is gaining popularity over traditional commerce because it offers versatility and advantages of business and customers.
For an E commerce merchant world’s online population is its potential market. It creates boundary less virtual market place without any geographical limitations. The e-commerce growth has not only affected the businesses by giving a virtual space for selling products online and create more avenues for revenue but also led to the creation of a number of job opportunities and eased out lives of modern day consumers. This paper deals with privacy and protection issues of E commerce. The government of India enacted Information and Technology Act in year 2000 to give legal recognition to digital records, digital signature and other electronic transaction. This paper explains the laws governing Ecommerce in India and what are the drawbacks in these laws while providing some suggestions for the same.
Keywords: India, protection, legal, privacy, intellectual property.