by IJLMH | Jul 8, 2019
As we know that violence against women is increasing day by day and it is becoming a burning problem. This is all because of gender inequality. Women are expected to indulge in household environment and play an important role as daughters, daughter-in-laws, wives and mothers. On one hand our society worships the goddess durga, laxmi and saraswati but on the other hand they are doing these types of cheap activities like rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment, dowry violence etc. They say that girls are laxmi of the house. But it is a big lie because of the thinking of the men of our society is becoming very cheap day by day. Women are considered weaker than men. This attitude has restricted the ability of women to move freely and they face lack of opportunity for the development of their personality. In this article author wants to highlight the types of violence and preventions. Author also wants to describe the meaning of violence against women. This article also highlights the status of women in India. A number of factors are responsible for violence against women. The psychological problems of the people force them to commit such violence. Violence against women is understood as a violation of human rights and a form of discrimination. It is an inequality between men and women. Violence against women is based on a word “gender”. Violence can take many forms. In this article author wants to describe the forms of violence. Violence against women is suffers by victim and their families. Due to the violence against women, parents of our society are scared to send their child outside alone. This all happens because of aggression of men which is hidden and no one can easily understand that. In this article author wants to discuss the causes, consequences of violence against women and specification of violence against women.
Keywords:- Meaning, status of women, forms, types, causes, consequences, woman, prevention violence against women, specification of violence, leading cases, citations, references.
by IJLMH | Jul 19, 2018
Human rights are not just values deserving to be taught, but also principles that should be put into practice. In the context of the school, human rights can take the form of student rights. Human rights of students is the unchartered territory when it comes to the study of human rights and its violations. As obedience, discipline and sincerity is sought from students from their very childhood and they are made obsequious many of their human rights are infringed upon. Rights of students are not an isolated silo when it comes to the study of human rights but is a penumbral human right. Many of the human rights of students are enshrined in the Constitution of India in the form of fundamental rights like Right To Education, Right to Freedom of Speech & Expression, Right To Form Associations and Educational & Cultural Rights.
The efficiency of Indian universities especially public universities being questioned due to various grievances from students, fall in international university rankings and increasing unemployment among university graduates there is a need to revisit education among students with a greater emphasis on secondary and higher education and to analyze whether various educational institutions in India are fulfilling the mandate of human rights.
As many of the central universities are becoming sites of resistance, struggle, conflict and national politics this paper will try to analyze whether student politics is essential part of university education and is it genuine which tries to address the problems of students or it just acts as a recruitment ground for political parties.
The paper tries to analyze the various human rights that are available to students and their prospective violation. With university education largely affecting the employment rate in India the efficiency of university education should be critically analyzed and its effects on career prospects of students should be revisited.
by IJLMH | Jul 19, 2018
The legal profession has long claimed that there are process-based differences between legal reasoning — that is, the thinking and reasoning of lawyers and judges — and the reasoning of those without legal training. Whether those claims are sound, however, is a subject of considerable debate. We describe the importance of using categorization and analogy, following rules and authority, and the odd task of “fact-finding”, in the legal system.
This paper aims to find how legal reasoning plays a part in the legal system from the perspective of judges and lawyers. It also examines the difference in legal reasoning in Civil as well as common law.
by IJLMH | Jul 19, 2018
The human rights of women is relating to sexual and reproductive rights which include their right to have control over and their power to decide freely and responsibly on matters relating to their sexuality and reproducing of offspring’s. It must be without any type of coercion, discrimination, forcible act and violence. Sexual rights are those rights which are given to women where she must be able to take and give consent to decisions around their bodies and lives. Reproductive rights are those rights of women to decide whether to reproduce and not facing any type of obstacles in their reproductive health. The research paper examines women’s right to sexual and reproductive health especially to the district of jaisalmer in the state of Rajasthan. The people of jaisalmer district are under the perception of early marriages of a girl and the ultimate goal is to beget a child at a younger age. Though the mind and the body is not mature enough to have a better sexual life and carry a child without having proper knowledge, planning and facilities.
This research paper gives a bird eye view to identify the nature of rights that suits the need of women in jaisalmer by providing free medical facilities, free doctor consultancy and a proper mindset among the people of jaisalmer by organising nukkad natak, legal awareness camp by legal aid central distribution of pamphlets, establishment of NGO’s, sex education in schools describing about the rights relating to sexual and reproductive system. Moreover, there is a need for proper legal framework to address and recognize the promotion and protection of reproductive and sexual rights of women in the district of jaisalmer.
by IJLMH | Jul 18, 2018
“Just as medicine treats all patients and all diseases, just as criminology concern itself with all the criminals and all forms of crime, so victimology must concern itself with all the victims and all aspect of victim city in which society takes an interest.” – Nelson Mandela
The criminal justice system throughout the world is in the hands of State and State being at the centre stage. Law and order is the foremost duty of the State. With this primary duty the state fosters peace, prosperity, maintains rule and order and provides access to Justice for all. Every citizen in the modern welfare state is expected to have the basic human rights. Whenever these rights are violated the judicial system provides mechanism for redressal of such violations. Whenever a citizen is harmed, injured, killed as a result of crime, he or she is referred as “victim”. Though there has been inbuilt mechanism to initiate criminal proceedings against the offender of such crime, however such victim may himself seeks justice by setting the criminal justice system in motion either by informing the police about the same or by complaint. Crime affects the individual victims, their families and causes financial losses to the victims. These crimes cause serious and psychological injuries to the families of victim of crime. Such an act needs to be well and properly redressed by the courts by providing the victims easy access to justice. It is only in the past few decades that the impacts of victimization on crime have affected the person and drew their attention towards the present system of criminal justice and asked to be treated with compassion and dignity so that their fundamental rights must be protected and preserved.
by IJLMH | Jul 18, 2018
Sexual Objectification can be defined as the practice of valuing or using a person as a thing or as an object whose worth is calculated primarily by his/ her sexual and physical attractiveness. Sexually objectifying experiences includes the pressure put forth by the society or the societal pressure to present or maintain an appealing or an attractive appearance. Such objectification can take place in various ranges and ways which results in lowering the dignity of women. Sexual objectification is nothing but the separation of sexual attributes and the physical attractiveness from their personality as an individual in specific. In today’s era “Objectification Of Women” has become a developing trend where if something is not sexual, alluring or prompting, then it’s off vogue( A fashion and lifestyle magazine). Objectifying and sexualizing is applicable to both the sexes, but this paper aims to address the pathetic condition of women being sexually objectified as objects all over the world being the victims eventually also, how the media and the Advertisements downplay the image of women. This paper addresses the laws available in India for protection, and the significant step taken by Britain and the United Kingdom implying that Women has every right to declare that “ the show of their sexuality as a commodity on sale” is a bigot. This paper also focuses on how this “Objectification Of Women” encourages women to objectify themselves which is a huge issue because of this sexed-up culture. This paper will try to explore the overall effects about the objectification in a general perspective and why the objectification has to be stopped so badly by concluding with the steps towards achieving a society that is free of misogyny.