Human Rights of Students – With A Special Emphasis On Efficiency of University And Its Effect On Student Development & Their Career Prospects

Volume-1, Issue-2, 2018
Human rights are not just values deserving to be taught, but also principles that should be put into practice. In the context of the school, human rights can take the form of student rights. Human rights of students is the unchartered territory when it comes to the study of human rights and its violations. As obedience, discipline and sincerity is sought from students from their very childhood and they are made obsequious many of their human rights are infringed upon. Rights of students are not an isolated silo when it comes to the study of human rights but is a penumbral human right. Many of the human rights of students are enshrined in the Constitution of India in the form of fundamental rights like Right To Education, Right to Freedom of Speech & Expression, Right To Form Associations and Educational & Cultural Rights.
The efficiency of Indian universities especially public universities being questioned due to various grievances from students, fall in international university rankings and increasing unemployment among university graduates there is a need to revisit education among students with a greater emphasis on secondary and higher education and to analyze whether various educational institutions in India are fulfilling the mandate of human rights.
As many of the central universities are becoming sites of resistance, struggle, conflict and national politics this paper will try to analyze whether student politics is essential part of university education and is it genuine which tries to address the problems of students or it just acts as a recruitment ground for political parties.
The paper tries to analyze the various human rights that are available to students and their prospective violation. With university education largely affecting the employment rate in India the efficiency of university education should be critically analyzed and its effects on career prospects of students should be revisited.