International Legal Independent Consultant, India
Academic Tutor & TRIP Fellow, India.
As the questions arise about has the job of the UN Trusteeship Council been accomplished? Has it completed its supervisory role of administering the Trust territories? In the first place it has certainly but when reviewing the council again it needs to address a series of problems that has been overlooked over time again and again . The problems concerning the principle of Common Heritage of Mankind, where it should deal with Indigenous population and their governance, the Ecological, Social, Economical, Post-Conflict Peace building and Culture should now be focused upon. In this way the Trusteeship Council should make an earnest effort to make this world a peaceful place to live. It has more capabilities with more members who can address these problems more fruitfully, by drawing the consent based on protecting the Common Heritage of Mankind and having the ultimate decision to make the Trusteeship council capable to work on the matters, which are not possible to be worked upon by the other organs of the UN. To elaborate this with an example, for instance, there is an atomic plant leakage in a part of the country, which makes, in this case, two organs to come into play those are the International Atomic Energy Agency and the United Nations Environment Program look and work upon the damages, the after-effects and how to solve a problem. So can be true for the Trusteeship Council which can deal with problems in a way that has solutions from every corner and debates have the best of policies for governance in any field. Here the essay in this regard would be looking on the trusteeship council and about Indigenous non self governing territories. It would then look on the concept of Common Heritage of Mankind. In relation to the Common Heritage of Mankind it will look on the questions on the domain of Arctic Region and the mineral deposited in the Deep Seabed. A revival in the Trusteeship Council focusing on possibilities and finally concluding it with by providing solutions and how this concept of Common Heritage of Mankind be an area for Trusteeship Council to work upon.
International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 4, Issue 3, Page 1569 - 1589
DOI: is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution -NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) (, which permits remixing, adapting, and building upon the work for non-commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.
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