Ph.D. Research Scholar at IEC University Badi, District Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India
Associate Professor at Law Deptt., D.A.V.(P.G.) College, Dehradun, India
The media is a fundamental Institution of the society. It plays a very vital role in democracy. It is the voice of democracy against illegal activities. Freedom of media in India is one of the important aspect for the nourishment of Fundamental Rights enshrined in the constitution of India. The media's role in society includes acting as a Watchdog and enhancing the free flow of information to public, therefore media is called the fourth pillar of the state. The Social Media has also become the integral part of human being at present. In today's society, the use of social media has become a necessary daily activity. Social media is typically used for social interaction and access to news and information, and decision-making. It is a valuable communication tool with others locally and worldwide, as well as to share, create and spread information. More than 86% of all business have a dedicated social media platform as part of their marketing strategy. Social Media is a big platform not only for promotion or marketing but one can also reach out millions of people and share their views, through social media, every person is aware of what is happening around them. But like any other theory social media platform have certain disadvantages. On the social site you will get easy to read false and baseless news. Some people creates religious hysteria and hatred, through their thoughts and expression, on social site. Prank videography has become a fashion among teenagers, they have been totally forgotten decency and morality and serving vulgar and obnoxious scene before the viewers, consequently sexual sensuality are taking birth in young children and pushing them into criminal activities. Facebook, YouTube and many other sites are openly disseminating the horrible and offensive scenes on their screen, besides this you can find the advertisement regarding, treatment of incurable diseases, occultism, Magic remedies and many misleading things. Many people get cheated by coming under pretense. Due to prevalence of social media, online fraud and Cyber crimes are increasing day by day in society. Hence a strong legislation is required, by which a reasonable restriction could be imposed on social media. Besides this social awareness programs related to social media and its positive as well as negative impact on society, should be organized by NGO’s, Govt. and academic institution from time to time.
Research Paper
International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 4, Issue 4, Page 1187 - 1204
DOI: is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution -NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) (, which permits remixing, adapting, and building upon the work for non-commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.
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