Future of Law: Artificial Intelligence

  • Shubham Bishnoi
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  • Shubham Bishnoi

    Student at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a revolutionary concept in the 21st century and it has been developed a lot and day-by-day it is enhancing. AI is a computer program which is capable of creating a machine having its own intelligence and behaviour. In this fast-growing world, we can see a lot of involvement of AI like from going home to office (using Tesla cars which moves according to our command and we just have to set the destination and it will take us to there and we don’t even require touch the steering of car) or from going Earth to Mars or Moon (Rockets using advance level of AI or robots and rovers which are send by scientists in order to explore our endless universe), the population of world is covered with the AI and robots, either we see Alexa in our home or a huge number of Satellites in space. Years back people couldn’t even imagine a self-driving car (Tesla) or our mobiles talking to us (Google Assistant) but now a small kid of 6 years knows how to know anything by saying just “Hey Google”. AI is now being involved in different dimensions and fields of society and one of these areas is Law. AI does not mean only robots but algorithms and programmes that helps to do calculated tasks. AI can be used in any field efficiently and AI working in the field of law would help the judiciary system to a great extent. COVID-19 brought a trigger point to use AI in judiciary as Advocates and judges were not able to go to courts and do their jobs so Supreme Court of India ordered to commence the Virtual Hearing, which means cases would be heard online through virtual meetings. Not only virtual hearing but also some AI programs like SUVAS (Supreme Court Vidhik Anuvaad), it is an AI which translates the judgements into regional languages like: changing the language from English to Marathi, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kanada, Punjabi, Gujarati, Malayalam and Bengali. At the end, it can easily be concluded that AI is the future of law and not only in the field of law but also it the future of the world. Robots, Humanoids, Artificial Intelligence will shape the worlds and is the face of future technology. But with every new invention new problems also arise like if we particularly stick to the law then right now there are no rules or regulations to govern the robots and AI so what if robots commit some offence then who’ll be held responsible the owner or the creator? Many other question arises like what if robots invents something then on whose name the patent will be filed on the name of creator/owner or the robot itself? The answers will come soon with time but till then we have to accept the change and try to adapt the future technology.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 5, Issue 3, Page 2218 - 2222

DOI: https://doij.org/10.10000/IJLMH.113287

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