Exploring the Nexus between Family Instability and Juvenile Delinquency: A Comprehensive Study

  • Archana Sharma
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  • Archana Sharma

    Student at Chanakaya National Law university, Patna, India

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The relationship between family instability and juvenile delinquency has garnered significant attention within the realm of criminological research. This abstract presents a comprehensive review of existing literature, aiming to elucidate the multifaceted nexus between these two constructs. Family instability encompasses various dimensions, including parental separation, divorce, remarriage, parental substance abuse, economic hardship, and domestic violence. These factors can disrupt familial cohesion, stability, and supportive environments crucial for healthy child development. Research consistently indicates a strong correlation between family instability and increased likelihood of juvenile delinquency. The disruption of familial bonds and inconsistent parental supervision resulting from family instability often lead to heightened risk-taking behaviors and delinquent activities among adolescents. Moreover, exposure to parental conflict, substance abuse, and other forms of dysfunction within the family environment can exacerbate delinquent tendencies. Understanding the nexus between family instability and juvenile delinquency is essential for developing effective intervention and prevention strategies. Policies and programs aimed at promoting family resilience, strengthening parental bonds, enhancing social support networks, and providing resources for at-risk families can mitigate the adverse effects of family instability on juvenile delinquency. Additionally, targeted interventions focusing on early identification and intervention can help disrupt the cycle of delinquency perpetuated by unstable family environments.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 7, Issue 2, Page 2301 - 2318

DOI: https://doij.org/10.10000/IJLMH.117297

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