Emerging Business Models in the Field of Legal Education and its Applicability: Critical Analysis with Case Study on Lacunae in Legal Education in Kerala

  • Adv. Ajay Krishna S P and Anjana Krishna S P
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  • Adv. Ajay Krishna S P

    Research Scholar at University of Kerala, India.

  • Anjana Krishna S P

    Student Amity Global Business School, Kochi, India.

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Law can be explained as the expression of will of the government, an enshrined embodiment of the peoples will and forms an important role in the manifestation of social and political needs of the country. The study of law plays a major role in the contemporary world be it serve the role providing the norm of conduct for the citizens or help shaping the quality of rule of law. This system instils democratic culture in law students by moulding them with general and cultural education with the aim of making them good law abiding citizens in personam and propagators of achieved culture and standards to the general public in rem by being good lawyers and judges by interpreting law and providing legal assistance. Being a form of professional education, the range and scope of the subject is always expanding in the modern democratic society as it equips the students to fulfil and discharge wide variety of roles and services to the society ranging from lawyers, policy makers and professional think-tanks to academicians, administrators and jurists. The need for basic knowledge in law to every citizen has become an inevitable factor in today’s world as the wide ambit of law is running across and making its impact in every nook and corner of the length and breadth of the society whether it be concerned to matters relating to administration of justice, trade and commerce, and industry or policy making and upholding the unparalleled values mentioned in the preamble and basic structure of our constitution. By looking on to a general trend, India has had to face humongous challenges in making its system of legal education able to compete with the global standards by enunciating various modifications in the legal and judicial standards within itself imbibing Dicey’s concept of rule of law into the basic foundation and fundamentals of the society. The seminal aim of this paper is to analyse and understand the various aspects of emerging novel trends in the field of legal education in India and to examine whether the system has succumbed to the perils of hype or has thrived to excellence with the help of a critically analysing case study.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 4, Issue 4, Page 2481 - 2493

DOI: https://doij.org/10.10000/IJLMH.111540

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