Critical Study of Right to Information Act 2005

  • Dr. Shriram Patel
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  • Dr. Shriram Patel

    Associate Professor at Shri Vaishnav Institute of Law, Indore, India

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The Right to Information Act 2005 was enacted by parliament to advance the constitutional right to know under Article 19 (1) a. The parliament gave and ensured the concrete shape to right to know. The Right to Information Act (RTI) impose duties upon all public authorities to provide information to all citizens and persons without discrimination. It has some exceptions that all information about the security and integrity of the nation, can’t be asked and such information is exempted from the purview of this act. But the present act of 2005 has many challenges so its objectives of enactment could not be achieved fully. The concept of good governance and transparency is the key point of the democratic system so every citizen of the nation must have proper access to public authorities in their decisions and orders to prevent corruption. Before the enactment of the Right to Information Act, there was no law in this regard but there was a tradition of fair information. To achieve fair policy implementation, It was considered to legislate the law, although Right to Information (RTI) is not a new concept and in ancient times during the Vedic period, Kautilya in his book Arthshastra elaborated on the traits of the king of a well-governed state in the happiness, in their welfare whatever pleases himself he does not consider as good but whatever pleases his subjects he considers as good. The openness theme is the basis of RTI. Before the enactment of the RTI Act 2005, the information-seeking right was guaranteed by article 19(1) A of the constitution similarly judiciary widely interpreted this article in the light of “Right to Know”. Apex Court of India laid down that freedom of speech and expression, means every citizen should have the right to avail information of proceeding of all government organs, and public authorities.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 5, Issue 3, Page 2157 - 2159


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