Advocate at Madras High Court, India
Women’s physical, mental and emotional impact depends on a case-to-case basis. Some women experience strong emotions and mood swings after an abortion, mainly due to the hormonal shifts. The hormone levels stabilise as the menstrual cycle returns. Choosing to undergo an abortion can be an emotionally-challenging experience. Women may feel extreme relief and sadness at the same time. They can also experience anxiety, grief, a sense of loss, and sleep disorders. This is natural, but if the negative feelings prolong, they should not be ignored, and help should be sought. This article analysis the laws relating to abortion and women’s health in India.
International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 7, Issue 1, Page 2105 - 2109
DOI: is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution -NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) (, which permits remixing, adapting, and building upon the work for non-commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.
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