ISSN 2581-5369

HeinOnline, MANUPATRA, Google Scholar Indexed

Legal Status of Pornography in India

Ankur Singhal
School of Law, Galgotias University, India

Volume-1, Issue-2, 2018

This abstract seeks to bring out the procedure which the researchers have applied to review the present scenario regarding Legal Status of Pornography in India. The literal mining of the expression ‘Pornography’ is “relating or presentation sexual acts in arrange to cause sexual stimulation through books, films, etc.” This would comprise pornographic websites, pornographic matter produced using computers & use of the internet to download & transmit pornographic videos, writings, pictures, photos, etc. Adult entertainment is a major industry on the internet. There are additional than 420 million human being pornographic web pages today. The DoT order says that comfortable hosted on porn sites relay to morality & decency & is, therefore, subject to “reasonable restrictions” on the Fundamental Rights to freedom of speech & expression. The government’s July 31 organize directing Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to block 857 porn sites came after Additional Solicitor General Pinky Anand conveyed to the Department of Electronics & Information Technology the Supreme Court’s observation that “appropriate steps” were wanted against pornographic sites, especially those featuring child pornography.

In the light of above stated research methods researchers would like to attain a conclusion that now is the high time for the concerned authorities, legal professionals, a jurists and general mass to discuss about it and come out with solutions which is most probably new legislation or better enforcement of existing provisions for ensuring the fact that the state is primarily responsible for taking care of and checking the status of pornography in India so as to stop the unwanted practices.


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