Is Cricket a Gender Biased Game? India in Relation to the World

Volume I, Issue V, 2018
The paper aims to dissect whether Cricket is a discriminatory sport or not. It will look at what has led to Cricket becoming a Gentleman’s game and how did this systematic discrimination has occurred? And due to what reasons? The proposition of the paper is that it is the origination, politics, institutional practices accompanied with political agenda and stereotypes which has made Cricket a man’s world.
There are various reasons which has contributed to women not being equal participants in Sports. It ranges from the perception of women being physiologically inferior to men, lack of strength, women being allocated places in private then in public an all these values reflect in the upbringing of kids. It leads to disparity between Men’s and Women’s game. Capitalism, Patriarchy and men in Politics have further contributed to this partiality. The paper is divided into four parts:
- Historical Aspect
- Social Aspect
- Economic Aspect
- Constitutional Aspect