Role of Right to Education of Children in Promotion of Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development is an environmental term, but it has very deep meaning. Sustainable Development of the Nation is depending on its subjects. The Child Education is most important element by which the Sustainable Development Goal will be achieved. Now a day the Right to education is considered as key tool for development. Even though Indian Government passed the many policies and legislations relating to the Right to Education, but it failed to achieve the decided goals. Education is the element over which the other all goals are depends. If the nation achieved the goal of education and succeed to eradicate illiteracy, then the other goals might be achieved easily. Yet many of children remain deprived of educational opportunities, many as a result of poverty. So the present research paper will analyze the legal provisions and various policies and schemes relating to right to education and its role in promotion of sustainable development of nation.
Keywords- Children, Education, Sustainable Development, Fundamental Right.

Custodial Death: The Legal Murder

Custodial Death is one of the worst crimes in a civilized society governed by the rule of law. Does a citizen shed of his fundamental right to life, the moment a policeman arrests him? Can a right to life of a citizen be put in abeyance on his arrest? The answer indeed has to be An empathetic “No”. -Supreme Court in D.K. Basu v. the State of West Bengal AIR 1997 SC610. “If I can love myself despite of my infinite faults, how can I hate anyone at the glimpse of few faults”? Alexander the Great“. The word custody itself points to guardianship and protective care. Even if it indicates to arrest or incarceration. No civilized law supports custodial cruelty – an inhuman trait that springs out of an evil desire to cause suffering when there is no possibility of any retaliation; a senseless demonstration of superiority and physical power over the one who is overpowered or a collective indignation of sanctimonious thinking .In the civilized society, governed by the rule of law, custodial crime is one of the worst crimes and poses a serious threat to a tidy civilized society. Torture in custody scorns the basic rights of the citizens and is an aspersion to human dignity.

Abortion Laws in India

The hatchling expulsion chat is the advancing dispute including the great, genuine, and severe status of incited untimely birth. The sides related with the conversation are oneself portrayed “strong of choice” and “positive forever” improvements. “Positive for choice” focuses on the benefit of women to finish up whether to end a pregnancy. An elective procedure is to base personhood or the benefit to life on a being’s trademark or natural cut off points. On this technique, a being fundamentally has an alternative to life if it has a trademark capacity to develop the appropriate mental features; and, since people do have this customary cut off, they essentially hold a benefit to life beginning at start (or at whatever point they show up).
Keywords: Abortion, Pregnancy, Amendment Bill 2020, Ethics, Constitutional Validity

Striking a Balance between Press Freedom and Government Control over Media

India is a democratic country with a system of government in which all the people of the country have the right to voice their own respective opinions. Thus, journalism plays a quintessential role in propagating the same. Freedom of speech is so firmly embedded and established in the Constitution of India through Art. 19 (1) (a) guaranteeing all citizens shall have the right to right to speak and express. With the growing population and its demands in our country, media has become an integral and intrinsic part of the Indian society, Thus along with the executive, legislature and judiciary, media has also become a significant part of our Indian constitution. Throughout the years the press played a potent role in building and developing positive changes in the public interest in issues of all kinds i.e., national movement, social, cultural, political and economic, Thus creating an intellectual contact between the people. It has become immensely important that there must exist a right balance between politics and journalism as the development of a country is entirely implicated with politics, and journalism acts as a watchdog for the people of the country and fulfilling the interest of the public through scrutiny and constructive criticism of politics. It was very adeptly put by justice Louise Brandeis of the US Supreme court that “Freedom to think as you will and to speak as you think are means indispensable to the discovery and spread of political truth.” It is therefore very important to ensure there is no misuse against political control over media by politicians and administrative bodies and make sure that there is development in regulatory safeguards against political control over media in India. Journalism must be at all cost transparent and independent and there must not be governments using fundings to push their agendas and thus creating a biased outlook for the audience.
Keywords: Journalism, Constitution of India, Freedom of speech, media, US Supreme Court, Regulatory safeguards, Administrative bodies, Political control.

Modelling Contracts and Disputes that can occur from a Badly Drafted Modelling Contract in Fashion Industry

This article focuses mainly on Fashion models and problem faced by them due to improper Drafted Modelling contract. Modelling said to be a one of the highly standard profession. Whereas, many people thinks it’s an easy way to do modelling but doesn’t know the darker side of modelling profession. So I focused on one of the major darker side of the profession where most of the budding fashion models caught into.
Fraudulent Model Agencies said to be the evil side of the Fashion Industry. Models should necessarily know how the modelling contract should be. Always aware about the modelling agencies they join and sign in .These awareness plays vital role in modelling profession.

Tukaram and ors. V. State of Maharashtra (Mathura Rape Case)

Rape is a sexual assault which involves but not limited to sexual intercourse and other forms of sex-ual penetration without the consent of the person or against the will of the person. It can be carried out by physical force, abuse of authority, coercion or against someone who is incapable of giving a valid consent, in the meaning that the person is unconscious, has a disability or has not attained the legal age for consent.
In 2019, India recorded an average of 87 rape cases and a total of 4,05,861 crime cases against a women, which showed approximately over 7% rise in the cases from 2018. Laws are being amended on regular basis to protect women in India but every law made seems to be ineffective when women get raped in India. Various schemes and policies were also im-plemented to provide safety and security at places where women feel unsafe. From minor to aged no women is safe, there are various instances where a toddler has been raped by someone and at the same time it is not shocking that a 70+ years old women is raped somewhere in India.
Reasons may be numerous but the whole nation failed to protect safety of women in India.
In November 2019, a 27 year old girl was raped by various drug addict youngsters and was burnt to get away with the crime they committed. In August 2020, a 13 year old minor was raped and killed by 2 men of her own village. The very recent Hathras Rape case was the latest case where a girl was raped and it resulted in her death. The case is under investigation but the issue remains the same “RAPE”. The Researchers in this paper are focusing on the very famous Mathura Rape case which forced the all 3 organs of India to act and come up with new legislations.
Key words: Rape, Sexual Harassment, custodial rape, rape laws.