What All can AI be Used for in Litigation and How?

The advent of technology and artificial intelligence has been ground shaking in every aspect irrespective of its role and the sector concerned. Come to think of it, AI can do a lot in the litigation and legal profession. In fact, it already is doing a lot of work which used to be done manually. Using AI in litigation has two sides to it, firstly, the litigation costs would decrease due to less human involvement and more of machine work and secondly, it would also put a lot of junior legal practitioners and associates out of their jobs as what they used to do is already being done by the machine and more conveniently and at a much better pace. The technology is said to be capable of handling some of the complex litigation tasks such as legal research, drafting pleadings and even predicting judicial decisions and in fraction of the time taken by humans to do the same task.

The Disregarded Facet of IPR: A Study of Trade Secrets and the Indian Context

The rapid pace of globalization and technological advancements have created an environment which offers a plethora of products and services. While this has resulted in the growth of economy along with acting as a driving force for competition and innovation in the market, it has also given impetus to a very significant branch of law known as the Intellectual Property Rights. Industries and organizations enormously rely on enforcement of patents, trademarks and copyrights to protect their business interests and services while it is equally important for the customers as it helps to identify original and quality products/services.
This paper focuses specially on the sub-category of Trade Secrets under Intellectual Property Rights and discusses the Indian legal system for protection of trade secrets while analyzing the existing trade secret laws. Protecting trade secrets is the basis for encouraging market innovation and to attract foreign investment and promote a healthy competition. Trade secrets make commercial activities positive and fair among competitors, so it is necessary to ensure that laws effectively protect their trade-related confidential information from competitors and the public.
Trade secrets are relatively a new branch of intellectual property which is gaining a lot of traction, because in the era of globalization, the failure or success of any company depends on its trade secrets. Hence it is of paramount importance that India strives towards implementing the highest standards for protection of trade secrets which shall also ensure a fair and competitive market economy.
Keyword(s): Trade Secret, Confidential Information, Intellectual Property Rights, Competition, Economy.

Religious Terrorism: Where Humanity Stoops Low

“We are not Angels that always act good, we are not Demons that always act bad, we are just Humans, we have both abilities. So, if some human made a mistake, blame themselves, not their religions, not their races, not their origins or their families.”
– Zak Ebrahim, son of former terrorist El Sayyid Nosair

The concept of terrorism has to be viewed from a broad perspective. Although, the first picture that comes to mind when terrorism is mentioned, is that of gory and brutal killing of innocent people on the whims of the terrorists. However, there are several forms of terrorism which are equally prevalent and these inter alia, include religious terrorism, eco-terrorism, cyber terrorism and narco-terrorism. This article specifically focuses on the subject matter of religious terrorism and the author in pursuance of the same has delved into its research and critically analyzed its substance along with comments and suggestions for the same.
Keywords – religion, terrorism, non-state actors, politics, religious-beliefs, attacks

Influence of Corona Virus on Rent Agreements

In this paper we will study about rent and eviction norms in light of the circumstances created by the coronavirus pandemic all around the world. The worldwide imposed lockdown due to the spread of coronavirus all around the world has led to the economy taking a hit which in turn has led to billions of people losing their jobs. This in all and all has led to the development of the situation that the tenants of the property are not able and willing to pay the rent due to their landlords for either living in their property or using it as a workspace. The non-payment of rent by the tenants has compelled the Landlords to force tenants to evict the property which is being fought on various ground comprising of both legal and moral grounds such as the Force Majeure, i.e. the circumstances have prevented a person from doing the thing which had officially planned to do earlier and Frustration of Contract as enshrined under section 56 of Indian Contract Act, 1872. Though, it is considered as morally wrong to evict tenants over the issue of rent and suggested by government to not evict tenants in situation like this, it is also important to consider both the sides of the coin, i.e. the business of putting property on rent or lease acts as a source of earning bread for a number of landlords without any other source of income and the situation of not receiving rent puts them into a complex position in terms of feeding their family. It is due to these issues mainly that the government had stated that in case of default of payment of rent by the tenant, it would be paid by the government to landlords to maintain status quo. We in this paper we will study all the concepts relating to the issue of rent and effect of coronavirus on the laws.
Keywords: Rent and Eviction Norms, Landlord, Tenant, Rent, Force Majeure, Frustration of Contract.

Dawn of Crypto Derivatives: Impact of Internet and Mobile Association of India v. Reserve Bank of India

Crypto-currencies are an exciting phenomenon of virtual world. Since their advent they have been seen as volatile and deceiving instruments by regulators around the world. However their adoption among the masses and backing of big names in tech has enabled them to weather the storms.
Indian regulators have been highly apprehensive of crypto-currencies and for good reason. However as the understanding of these assets has developed, we are in a better position to regulate them and benefit from their value. The current article discusses the impact of 2018 RBI circular banning bank from providing banking services to crypto-currency participants and the recent Supreme Court’s decision in Internet and Mobile Association of India v. RBI which removed that blanket ban.
The analysis of the above mentioned judgment has been done in the backdrop of crypto-derivatives market which is witnessing a global boom. The article places reliance on existing regulatory framework along with reports of public and private institutions to analyze the need of a robust and efficient framework.

The Law Amended Due To COVID-19 Pandemic Vis-à-Vis Impacts

Our world will not be the same once its emerges from Covid-19 dramatically changing declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation, on 24-03-2020 a nationwide lockdown is declared. The transmission and birth of the Sars-Cov-2 virus and The COVID-19 Pandemic has sparked profound suffering and misery all facets of life and of our International Legal structure. It brought a major disruption to economy across the world reflects greater global integration, Travel bans, Fall in Growth of countries depending on mining and oil exports, Impact on real estate sectors where certain change in income tax measures would help this sector to survive certain research report expecting real estate price to reduce in the range of 10% to 20% on account of mismatch demand and supply, the government of all the countries is focusing on maintaining social distancing to control the spread of virus by enacting lockdown. In this Article we mention about Covid-19 impact on law including Intellectual Property, International law, Environment law, Competition Law Concern, Data protection, Privacy and Security, Labour law and Workforce. Finally this paper conclude by providing suggestions and measures to ensure the safety of everyone while clinching to the idea of innovation.