Changing Phase of Transgender: Accepting Alternative Gender

Transgender people in India are destitute of social and cultural partaking and there are numerous occurrences where they have been constrained right of entry to education, health care and public places leading to the destruction of the Constitutional surety of equivalence before the law and equal fortification of laws. It has also been perceived that this communal also façades discrimination in every single domain of their life and is treated as an outcast and untouchable. Furthermore, they are barely educated as they are not acknowledged by the social order and for that reason they not be given appropriate schooling. Even if they are registered in an educational association, they face provocation and are intimidated every day and are inquired to leave the school or because of such humiliations, they withdraw on their own. It is for the reason that they this that resort to begging and sex works. Hardly ever does a skilful individual from this communal developing into formal occupation due to the guiding principle of employing only from either one of the genders that are male or female. Even though if they sort out, they are mocked and not accepted and henceforth are forced to leave their occupations. They are enforced into sex work which puts them at the maximum risk of contracting HIV as they choose to unprotected sexual intercourse since they panic denunciation or they want to sustain their sexual category over and done with sex. Furthermore sexually communicated infections such as rectal gonorrhoea, syphilis, rectal Chlamydia, etc., supplement to the risk of HIV. To exhilarate their rights enforcement of “The Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, 2014” was like a rain on the desert. The objective of making this article is to fabricate a modest attempt to highlight the viability of The Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, 2014. The historic judgment by the Apex Court for their welfare holds out new hope. This paper critically examines the concept of transgender people’s empowerment and the gender equality venture taken up across the nation. Adoption of holistic approaches-Social and Economic Stability, Separate courts for their preparation, Skill development and Employment will not only do away with the problems of transgendered people but will also be en route to acceptance of alternative sexuality. Taking on acceptable practices of gender equality and empowerment of transgendered people from peculiar prosperous nations, egalitarian model, proper implementation of relevant policies will enhance the transgender community in years to come.

Protest in 21st Century

The main aim of this article is to analyze the protests which took place in the 21st century so the first two decades in the 21st century observed a great return of the mass protests into the streets of the world. This partly happened due to a drop in faith in politics, mass remilitarization which had a huge impact on our society and the politics due to which the protests have become a part of their political expression in which millions of people participate.
As we come to an end to the tempestuous decades of the protests taking place this would be the main subject of my article that what will the protests in 2020 take shape into?
The protests which took place at the beginning of the 2000s again started to reflect an analysis of the financial system which was forged by the unanimity in the various sections of the society.
On one hand, if we analyze the first two decades of this century then we will find that it is floating with inequality along with a huge debt and deterioration of the working people. On the other hand, the parliamentary attempts in challenging these are showing really poor results. Therefore, we are suffering from a real deep catastrophe of representation.
Modern capitalism is unable to bring survival to many so it has combined itself with a critique of capitalism which is creating a situation where the people of society have to protest.
Keywords: Protest, Society, inequality, capitalism

Implementation of Women’s Rights A Socio-Legal Dilemma

Women in India confront a ton of social imbalances going from sexual orientation particular premature births, abuse by their life partners, to eve prodding. Most women aren’t mindful of women rights in India and different circumstances their legitimate rights are not secured as they ought to be. Women strengthening assumes a huge part in telling them their rights. Human rights are those basic rights which are mandatorily possible by each person as he/she is an individual from human society. The constitution of India likewise ensures the equity of privileges of men and women. In any case, in the circle of women’s human rights in India, there exists a wide bay amongst hypothesis and practice. Indian culture is a male ruled society where men are constantly thought to be better than culture. The women in India all the time need to confront segregation, unfairness and shame. In spite of the fact that women in India have been given more rights when contrasted with men, and still, after all that the state of women in India is hopeless. The primary examination embraced in this paper is to talk about the issue of women rights in the light of the legal elucidations given in Article 14 and Article 15 of the Indian Constitution.
The paper will toss light on the human privileges of women in India and that how all the basic rights given to the women are being disregarded in India, by focussing on the different violations done against them. The paper is separated into three segments. The segment I records the territories of women’s human rights infringement in India. Area II concentrate on the means embraced by the Indian constitution to ensure women’s human rights. Segment III concentrate on the methodologies contrived by the administration and common society to engage women in India.
Keywords: Women’s rights, Human rights, Indian constitution, Human society, Unfairness, Legal elucidations

Is Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 Blow the Basic Structure of the Constitution of India?

The purpose of writing this paper is to introduce Citizenship Act, 2019 and to explain, if it blows the basic structure of the constitution of India. In the present scenario, numbers of people are protesting against the Act, by relating it with religion and illustrating as anti-secular, that is only lack of information and influenced state of mind. However, this amendment Act is completely different from what people are assuming. Hence the bill seeks to the citizenship Act, 1955 in order to grant Indian nationality to Hindu, Sikhs, Buddhist, Jain, Parsis and Christian who come to India after facing religious persecution in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan. The first section of paper describes the explanation of amendment and its act. Furthermost it encompasses all the act released in the session related to citizenship. The reason of arising issues during this act is also briefly discussed and this paper also explains the debate occurs around secularism and citizenship. This composition involves the notification related to the National Register citizenship and elucidates all possible aspects of NRC.

Keywords- Constitution, Citizenship, Amendment and Communities

Global Wealth Tax and Discontents Reflection on Piketty Tax

Global wealth tax as it speaks for itself illustrates that a tax on the wealth accumulated by an individual all around the world should be taxed at a progressive rate. The question that needs to be proponed upon is why such a tax is being proposed? What solution does it provide? Whether the solutions provided are full proof? Piketty has based his study upon evidences from history and has done analysis on the trends depicted in UK, US and European continent. This paper while describing the problems that Piketty tries to solve by Global wealth tax, elucidates the flaws in the premises of Piketty’s work.