Protest in 21st Century

In this article, the topic is ‘Protest in 21st century’, which is very common in the present era. In any country, either developed or developing the situation of the protest arises when people feel that the policies are not that much worthy for them. In this world, all the countries face the protest in the different manner. While dealing with this topic of the ‘protest in 21st century’ many cases and the facts come forward which gives the protest and their perspective from the public at large. In this paper, main focus is towards the topic and the sub-themes consider here are as what is protest, why we have protest, types of protest, protest in India and what changes are required to avoid this protest in the present era. In this paper, many case laws are considered and policy of the government and the role of society in the protest. With this paper, main efforts are to cover all the possible factors pf the protest in the modern era.
Keywords- State, Law, The Constitution, People,Policy.

Transformation of Protests in the 21st Century

In recent times, the power of protests as a political instrument has become quite evident. That being said are protests the same as they were in the early 18th century? If not what sort of changes has this instrument undergone. Have these changes bettered the manner in which protests are conducted or have they placed an unbearable burden of violent escalation on all those who seek to use this tool? It is in the answers to these questions that we shall become capable of truly realizing the potential of protests and similar unrests as an instrument for change.

Protests in the 21st century

Protests has been present in the society from the time immemorial, whether it is for the particular group or for the whole society. There are various protests that had happened in the history of India. Satyagraha Movement, Save Silent Valley Movement 1973, Chipko Movement 1973, and Narmada Bachao Movement 1985 are some of the examples of protests that happened in Indian history. But now we see that it has become a global phenomenon.
This paper deals mainly with the protests in the 21st century in India and also in World. The people in the 21st century are more aware of their rights and also know what is good for their society. It also tells about the meaning of protest and its various form like rally, March. Protests are generally peaceful, but in some cases, it becomes violent causing harm to the society. This paper also tells about various famous protests that happened in the 21st century in the World including India. Some famous protests are Nirbhaya Movement, Shaheen Bagh protest, Anti-war protest, Me Too Movement and so on.

Changes in the Dynamics of Protests in 21st Century

‘Protest’ is something which is very inherent in human nature and is the true manifestation of one’s disagreement with the current state of affairs. It is a tool used by the common man/woman to take what is rightly his/her. There are various forms of protest in the world with different means but each of them has the same intention i.e to show dissent and resist oppression. In this article I have analysed four major protests which were carried out in the history of mankind. Starting with the first documented protest in the world which took place in England in 1215, resulting into the granting of a charter of civil rights by the king to his citizens which came to be known as the ‘Magna Carta’. Then I have written about the French Revolution which took place in 1787 and laid the foundation of people’s rule and civil rights. The next protest which I have mentioned is popularly known as the ‘Cedar Revolution’ which took place in Lebanon in 2005 and sparked various protests in the ‘Arab Springs’ for the want of self-rule and democracy. And the last protest which I have written about is the #METOO revolution which gained momentum in 2018 and was a first of its kind ‘Social Media’ protest garnering support from all over the world. Hence, throughout this article I have compared the essential characteristics of all the four protests thereby analyzing the changes and differences in the protests taking place in the 21st Century.

Protests in 21st Century

Protest is a discontent measure for the society and it can be seen as a form of politics by other means. In the past several years, we found that the world has been shaken by protests, peaceful and otherwise. This paper gives information about the protests in 21st century. This paper contains some historical background i.e. Satyagraha movement in 1923 and Swadeshi movement started in 1905. Aim of this paper to understand the meaning of protests in the 21st century, protests in simple language we called as Dharna, March, and Rally. In Indian history, we found that most powerful protest was Quit India movement 1942 and Civil disobedience movement 1930 till now. Further we move in 21st century Protests in India, we found that there has been a lot of protest here like that Nirbhaya Movement in 2012, LGBT Protest, and NCR AND CCA. This paper also talks about the world wide protest i.e. Me Too Movement or # Me Too movement, Anti-war protests around the world. And finally this paper has a unique conclusion.
Keyword – Protest, Dharna, ME Too movement, 21st century, LGBT Protest, Quit India movement, peaceful, March.

Protest in 21st Century – Nishtha kheria

This article aims to identify what are the differences between the movement that takes place in society and the protests.
We can analyze these by 3 aspects of a protest:
• The dynamics of disconnection, fickleness and the alteration.
• The secular and the structural limitations as the challenges to the society’s order.
• The challenged political specifications of the protesters. in this article, I would specify how the protests are different from the social movements. Riots should not be identified as being a united event they should be ventilated into several smaller events in which the various supporters, the repertoires and their reason for participation should not be different rather opposed. Protests always communicated and are surrounded by the socio-economic and geographical immobility of the participants in the dissimilarity of the social movements. They can shift their remilitarization to a greater geographical and political scale. Finally, claims are made and political identities in protest are challenged perceptions about politics that are supported by strict dualism, like political or non-political. However, taking under consideration these differences, the two concepts shouldn’t be compared or acknowledged mutually exclusive, since protests may happen within a society’s movement cycles of protest (e.g., the Watts riots of 1965 it occurred within the wide context of the civil rights)
Keywords: Society, Protesters, Riots, Political.