The Role and Approach of United Nation Organisation towards Tackling International Terrorism: A Critical Analysis

The role and approach of United Nation Organization has been questionable at global level. Due to the action of terrorism had created hue and cry at international level, all countries bother about sanctity of U N. The organs of U N has working for creating and maintain peace and security at the global level specifically Security Council and General Assembly. the UN has taken a leading role in the task of combating and eliminating international terrorism. The global integrated response to terrorism undoubtedly demands participation from this organisation and this requires the adoption of normative measures with universal scope and content. The UN has been occupied with terrorism-related matters for a long time now, but this ongoing activity has intensified in recent years. Of course all the organs of the UN in one way or another participate in the adoption of different types of counter-terrorism measures or they make statements about terrorism.

Female Body, Honour, Sexuality and the Use of Rape as a Weapon of War

This paper aims to look at the use of rape as a weapon of war in conflict areas around the world. The paper not only looks at why the perpetrators believe this is an effective way of torture and intimidation of the general public but also the result of the same on the survivors and their families. The case of Kunan-Poshpora is a specific sub-topic that traces the history of the issue and the struggle of the people against impunity provided to the state armed forces.

Designs and Patent: A Comparative Study

Intellectual property can comprise of various zones, from logos and corporate identity through to products, administrations and procedures that separate your business advertising. It’s the point at which these thoughts are utilized without authorization that an organization can suffer. All organizations have without a doubt profited from the internet, where products, administrations and marketing communications can contact tremendous audiences at relatively low expenses yet this has additionally expanded the chances of intellectual property theft . IP protection applies to organizations of all sizes even tremendous companies have had their thoughts infringed upon and have made multi-million pound claims simply look at the on-going question amongst Apple and Samsung over their smart phones.

Study of Environment Principle With Reference to Rio Declaration

In India there has been rapid environmental degradation due to the over exploitation of natural resources triggered by urbanization, industrialization and population explosion. There is therefore, a great need for protecting the environment and ensuring development in a sustainable manner. To resolve the problem of environmental degradation, the experts worldwide have come up with a doctrine and principles like sustainable development and precautionary, polluter pay principle which essentially advocates harmony between development and environment protection.
It is to be emphasized that with the help of these environmental principles and standards that an effective environmental law could be evolved in India. There are various laws, principles, statues, rules and regulations are enacted for protection of environment. Still there is rapid environmental degradation therefore this paper specifically examines precautionary principle and polluter pays. Precautionary Principle and Polluter pays are important approaches in environmental law for protection of environment and to achieve sustainable development it is necessary to emphasize on the need to follow certain framework principles of environmental law.
This paper explores the concept and development of the principles through judiciary. The paper examines application of precautionary and polluter pays principles. Finally, the paper concludes that the principle plays an important role in protection of environment and to achieve sustainable development.

Hindu Marriage Act

According to Wex Legal Dictionary, marriage is defined as the legal union of a couple as spouses . The word marriage comes from the French word ‘marier’ which means ‘marry’. In India, a relation between husband and wife is regarded as pure, sacred and eternal, but this statement doesn’t inculcate the gist of what the actual scenario is. Marital rape, domestic violence, violence or emotional abuse for dowry, cruelty are some of the unseen aspects of the so-called sacred bond of a marriage. All these actions have an adverse effect on the well-being of the bride, often resulting in deteriorating health, insanity and even death.
Since the ascent of The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, the remedy of divorce has been included for both men and women to dissolve a troubled marriage, and has been a tool for administering justice in case of abusive or dysfunctional marriages. This case study is being done to figure out whether the provisions of The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 are feasible enough and if there are any loopholes through which the eyes of the justice can be impaired .

Dowry Death

Marriage is a basic portion of society, a wellspring of bliss and merriments and also of fresh starts. However, one of the longest standing shades of malice related with marriage from a lady’s perspective in the Indian culture is the Dowry framework. In spite of a great deal being said and done against the custom, it is as yet pervasive in the 21st century, in both unobtrusive and clear ways. The foundation of a large group of social outrages against ladies, the custom of introducing endowment is the crudest articulation of the male-predominance in the general public. It is regularly the compulsory custom of a young lady’s folks providing a lot of money, gold as gems, electronic gear, portable or ardent properties, to the prepare and his family, at the season of marriage. In spite of the fact that the starting point of the custom lies with guardians attempting to guarantee budgetary soundness for their little girls, in current viewpoint it has converted into guardians paying up for the affirmation of prosperity of their girls. The adornments and money that a lady of the hour carries with her from her folks’ home is frequently alluded to as “Streedhan” and in principle is the property of the young lady, yet truly usually regarded as their legitimate due by the boys family. The total to be paid as share has no set standard, the measuring stick incredibly relies upon the boys calling/social standing and is frequently seen as the prep’s family as the remuneration they have made to instruct their kid. The settlement framework spread unabated to disturbing extents taking toll of numerous youthful ladies. Due to the Frankenstein in an approach of the general public the nation saw the development of the shades of malice of this framework in amore intense and serious shape. The bigger segment of the nation requesting and anticipating the spouse cost is in vogue.