A Study of Adoption Rights for the Third Gender in Contemporary Legal Systems

  • Mona Srivastava
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  • Mona Srivastava

    Student at C.S.J.M. University Kanpur, U.P., India

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This study aims to explore and improve adoption rights for individuals who identify with the third gender within modern legal systems. Our main goals are to assess international legal frameworks, analyze how legal recognition impacts adoption outcomes, and investigate the benefits of specific policy reforms on adoption rights. Using quantitative research methodologies, the study incorporates AMOS and SEM tools to analyze important data. This research examines global legal frameworks, investigates the effects of legal recognition on adoption outcomes, and evaluates the impact of specific policy reforms. Research reveals a notable discrepancy in the recognition of adoption rights for individuals belonging to the third gender compared to those who identify with traditional gender categories. Legal recognition is associated with increased access to adoption. Regression analysis demonstrates the positive effects of policy and legal reforms on different aspects of adoption rights, emphasizing the importance of these factors in creating fair adoption opportunities.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 7, Issue 2, Page 69 - 81

DOI: https://doij.org/10.10000/IJLMH.117000

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