Surrogacy Laws in India - International Journal of Law Management & Humanities

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Surrogacy Laws in India

  • Megha Gupta
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  • Megha Gupta

    LL.M. Student at Symbiosis Law School, Noida, India

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A woman, who is also known as the surrogate, and the intended parents who are willing to have a child enter into a legal contract in order to fulfill their desire to become parents via the process of surrogacy. This arrangement has evolved into one that is considered standard and acceptable in today's culture. When a mother or a woman wants to have a child but cannot conceive for any number of reasons (whether they be medical or personal), a lot of individuals choose to go the route of surrogacy instead. A mother's life is likely to be put in danger as a result of giving birth to a child. It is a blessing for parents or people who want to have a kid but are unable to, which is why it is even more vital to have correct rules on this topic. Surrogacy is a blessing for parents or people who want to have a baby but are unable.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 6, Issue 4, Page 472 - 479


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