Right to Health in Terms of Law, Management and Humanities

Chembur Karnataka College of Law, University of Mumbai, India
Volume III, Issue IV, 2020
The right to health is the essential and utmost importance of fundamental rights. The right to health is interdependent on right to life and right to dignity. World Health Organization had introduced the concept of right to health in 1946, the idea of the right to enjoy to highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. We as the human being, we care and concern most about our life and our loved and dear ones which day-to-day matter. The research paper to understand what is right of health in terms law, management and humanities. Today’s time the virus has given an alarm to the individuals and organisation towards to right to health. The question raised when the people faced difficult during the pandemic, when crisis broke down at health care system. There is need to change to concept that the government and the private organization cannot come together. The need to work hand-in-hand these both entities are the need to provide and protect the right to health and health care access. This right was undervalued and unknown until the pandemic crisis raised. The key factors such as political, social and economic will be stable factor if and only if right to health is implemented. The person will be productive only if free from the tension of health and mental diseases. A productive person is the key factor for the economic growth and survival. The right of health is not limited to the citizen but also other stakeholders to the healthcare industry. The research method of this paper is secondary data. The secondary data is primarily the reports and submission made by international organizations and case laws in India. The research paper aims to explaining what the right to health is and illustrating its implications for specific individuals and groups, and then elaborates upon States’ obligations with respect to the right. It ends with an overview of national, regional and international accountability and monitoring mechanisms. To conclude the paper aims to understand the history, the future, the scope, the interpretation and the limitation of the right to health under the perspective of the International Law and Constitution of India.
Keywords: Right to health, fundamental right, fundamental duty, Covid-19..