Access to Internet as Human Right

Alumnus of National Law University, Cuttack, India.
Volume III, Issue IV, 2020
With the advantage of technology, internet has become an integral part of life; as it serves variety of purposes like education, business, and a platform of freedom of speech and expression etc. Apart from that it also helps in realisation of certain rights of the citizens but at the same time it also has negative impact on those rights. But in spite of all necessities there is no strong provision which directly regulates the access of internet to people as basic rights and also marginalised people of rural areas so far are not given equipped technologies and opportunities to enjoy the said rights where their rights are only confined to shelter, food and cloth. So, The General Assembly of United Nation after several resolutions adopted a resolution for “the promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the internet” and declares a charter where it urges that internet is no more luxury but a basic right for people to be able to lead minimally decent lives. Therefore, this paper aims to identify the international standard and constitutional perspectives of access to internet as a human right, and how the internet is so cardinal and boom in this pandemic for the people.
Keywords- Internet, Human Right, Constitutional perspective