Women and Religious Rights

Gujarat, India
Maharashtra, India
Volume II – Issue II, 2019
Religion and human beings share an extremely important relationship with each other and this relationship have several perspectives to be considered- political, social, legal, etc. In this research paper, we are very much keen to evaluate this nexus between religion and women. Women are the most important part of human society but since time immemorial their religious rights and freedoms are curtailed indiscriminately. We have examples of wise and learned women in different religions – Gargi and Maitreyi in Hinduism, The Wise Woman of Tekoa , Abagail and others in Christianity. But these examples are very limited.
In this paper we are focussing to understand about the religious rights that women got and the rights which women were deprived off in religions specifically in Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism and Jainism. We are also very keen to understand about the recent Triple Talaq case (ShayaraBano v Union of India & others). The issues related to Sabrimala Case (Indian Young Lawyers Association & Ors v The State of Kerala & Ors) are also neatly explained. The Indian stance on marital rape is also highlighted in the following research paper. This research paper explains the role of Indian Judiciary with respect to religious rights of women.