Union Budget

Volume III, Issue III, 2020
The following is a brief analysis of the topic titled ‘ Union Budget- An analysis of Educational Sector’. This topic has been read, summarized and analyzed broadly under the following heads:- Introduction, Ministry of Finance, Time of budget announcement, date of budget announcement, halwa ceremony and budget briefcase, analysis of educational sector budget, missing by Finance Minister, other sector budget, reaction of the budget and stock market. Union Budget is a budget of one year prepared by Finance Minister every year. The budget includes expenditure and spending on every sector. Sectors including education, industry, health, infrastructure, agriculture and so on. For example- Like in our family, Mother planned budget for one month, how much we spend on food, entertainment and so on. Similarly, Finance Minister prepared budget for one year. In this budget all the sector includes. This year budget was prepared by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.