Transgenic and Traditional Farming: Finding a MidWay

Volume I, Issue IV, 2018
To deal with the problem of shortage of food for the ever-rising population, the scientists manipulated the genes of plants, giving birth to the concept of genetically modified (GM) crops and seeds and the transgenic method of farming, which was seen as the saviour to meet the requirements of time. This technological advancement was soon encashed by the eagled-eyed MNCs, well anticipating the amount of profit the GM crops and seeds can earn them. Transgenic farming saw a full-fledged growth since 1982 with the production of antibiotic- resistant tobacco plant.
The issue of rising corpocracy in relation to GM crops has become debatable both at national and international fora. The ‘depicted charisma’ of transgenic farming by the MNCs has made competent authorities turn blind eye of its impact on environment.
This paper analyses the implications that flows from the rise of GM food. Taking a brief look into the history of GMOs in Chapter I, this paper proceeds to give a glimpse of a number of international rules/regulation/codex attempting to regulate the GMOs in the absence of a specific international instrument dedicated to GMOs under Chapter II, whereas Chapter III discusses how the Indian government has tried to tackle with the issue of GMOs by providing rules, further drawing the comparison of how much India has tried to incorporate the international standards with respect to the same. The role of MNCs and effect of GM seeds on farmers is dealt in Chapter IV. Discussing the environmental impacts of transgenic farming under Chapter V, the authors have summed up the paper while quickly looking into the comparison between transgenic and traditional methods of farming under Chapter VI which is Conclusion.