The World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC)

The First Global Public Health Treaty

Kratika Gupta
Research Scholar

Mody University of Science and Technology, Rajasthan, India

Volume-1, Issue-2, 2018

As a UN organization, the WHO has a constitutional mandate to initiate the development and facilitate the adoption of international treaties, such as a framework convention. The WHO has been encouraging the adoption of national laws and regulations for tobacco control for a long time but this was the first time it used its constitutional mandate to facilitate the creation of an international framework convention specifically focusing on the global public health issue of tobacco control. The WHO FCTC is the first ever international public health treaty of any kind. The Indian Act, whose enactment preceded the adoption of the WHO FCTC by the World Health Assembly, goes beyond the obligations set out in the WHO FCTC in many respects. It provides clearly prescribed requirements in key areas such as on prohibition of smoking in public places, ban on advertising of tobacco products, packaging and labeling and sale to minors. The article highlights the importance of the WHO FCTC and discusses its key provisions to control the use of tobacco and also enlightens about the obligations on the part of member countries of WHO.

Keywords: WHO FCTC, Tobacco Control, MPOWER, Global Public Health Treaty.


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