by IJLMH | Jan 13, 2020
To make the law serve its purpose functionally and irresistibly, we have to implement it in better way. Before advocating to the assumption that it is need of an hour for India to implement the Strict law, we need to review a might be situation that what if those laws, too, not implemented properly. Would those stricter laws be serving its raison d’être. So it is not the strict laws that India needs, it is better implement of the law that India seeks. In the conclusion I would like to remember Abraham Lincoln with his grate quote that “The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it STRICTLY.” This quote indeed gives the answer to our question. Doesn’t it?
by IJLMH | Oct 28, 2019
“Electronic-Commerce “means buying or selling of goods and services over an electronic or a digital network. The digital revolution has provided access to a large variety of products at competitive prices and India has also been a significant part of this digital revolution. In recent years India is witnessing consistent growth in the E-Commerce market. With large increasing digital literacy and mobile use across India, the Indian e-commerce sector has seen a boom which no industry has ever witnessed. Electronic commerce technologies have changed the structure and environment of business worldwide. E commerce is gaining popularity over traditional commerce because it offers versatility and advantages of business and customers.
For an E commerce merchant world’s online population is its potential market. It creates boundary less virtual market place without any geographical limitations. The e-commerce growth has not only affected the businesses by giving a virtual space for selling products online and create more avenues for revenue but also led to the creation of a number of job opportunities and eased out lives of modern day consumers. This paper deals with privacy and protection issues of E commerce. The government of India enacted Information and Technology Act in year 2000 to give legal recognition to digital records, digital signature and other electronic transaction. This paper explains the laws governing Ecommerce in India and what are the drawbacks in these laws while providing some suggestions for the same.
Keywords: India, protection, legal, privacy, intellectual property.
by IJLMH | Feb 25, 2019
This Paper provides a concise summary of patent damages in US and India. Any person who invent something which is new as well as unique, which can help in reduction of cost that every class of people get the benefit of the invention, and also, improvement of technologies. On this invention he/she can get a patent for a period of twenty years, and during this period if any person is using, selling the invention, he shall be liable for infringement and patentee or patent holder has right to claim damage from infringer, patent can be extremely important for the patentee as well as world. The general question is that damages will depend on the country where you infringe. Different countries have different laws. In US law, provides Damages in section 35 U.S.C. 284 and the Indian Patent Act 1970, no express provision has been provided, but section 108(1) talks about Damages.