Sexual Violence against Women in India: An Analysis

Volume III, Issue II, 2020
A physiotherapist in India became a victim of a brutal gang rape on December 12, 2012. When the victim was surrendering to her injuries, the incident became the highlight for the promotion of “Sexual Violence Against Women.” India is considered as the “Rape Capital” of the world but it is strange how statistics show that the number of reported rapes in the United States is thirteen times higher than what is reported in India especially if we compare the size of the population of both the countries. We will just not talk about rapes, but studies have concluded that in India women suffer to gain social equality, they are paid less at the workplace in comparison to their male colleagues, they suffer physical and domestic violence and are exposed to mental, social and economic violence.
Often Rape survivors are excommunicated from the societies and their families refuse to accept them to avoid shame and disregard of the society. Victims are also considered tainted and sully which leaves them unsettled and unmarried for their entire life. Victims also tend to incur heavy financial bills for their treatments after the assault. Various discriminations, domestic violence, mental harassment, limited education opportunities, and low political representation has made women vulnerable in India.
Keywords: Violence, Harassment, Discrimination, Assault, Patriarchy, Prejudice, Victim, Survivor, Equality, Punishment.