Role of Jal Shakti Ministry

Volume III, Issue II, 2020
In this paper, the author is focusing on the new stance taken by the government on water conservation and critically analysing the role of Jal Shakti Ministry. While doing so the author outlines the history of water conservation and related bodies, authorities and ministries in our country. In doing so, the reader would be able to understand the vast history of such ministries in our country and how we reached to the point of the Jal Shakti Ministry. The reader would be able to see how the objectives and ways to tackle problems related to water have evolved over the years. The author would deal with issues regarding the functions, plans and vision of the ministry alongside the new dimension which has been given to issues related to water conservation. The authors would analyse how effective the change in approach has been, the issues which are left unanswered. While doing so, the author would point out the flaws in the Ministry and why they can prove to be an impediment to the ministry being able to achieve its goals.
Keywords: Water Conservation, Jal Shakti Ministry, Historical Evolution.