Rights of a Rape Victim

Volume III, Issue VI, 2020
India ranks third amongst the countries where a maximum number of rapes happen, just behind the United States of America and Brazil.
According to National Crime Records Bureau Data around 34,000 rapes happened in 2018 alone, which means one a woman was raped every 15 minutes and the conviction rate was 27% and it is believed that 54% of cases are still not reported. According to a study by the United Nations, only 11% of rape cases in India are reported.
In this scenario it is very important to be legally aware of the 6 rights of a rape victim: Right to Zero FIR, Free medical treatment even in any private hospital, No two-finger test during the medical examination, Harassment free and time-bound Police Investigation, Trial with full dignity, speed and protection, and Right to compensation.
DOI: http://doi.one/10.1732/IJLMH.25303