ISSN 2581-5369

HeinOnline, MANUPATRA, Google Scholar Indexed

Right to Privacy

Ayushi Dubey

Symbiosis Law School, Pune, India

Volume-1, Issue-2, 2018

This article deals in the understanding of the concept of right to privacy in India. This article focuses on analysing right to privacy of India as well as other countries. Many jurists have asked the question whether right to life include right to privacy, author has used various cases and quotes for better understanding of the same and how countries evolved through the same.

For many years now, right to privacy has served as a constitutional limit on governmental power. Despite being the most integral part of the human being and dignity it have received very less attention so much so that it was very difficult to arrive at a conclusion with respect to scope and limitation.

The article focuses primarily on the development India went through while accepting right to privacy as a part of right to life under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. India has gone through various stages from Aadhaar to Section 377 of Indian Penal Code (Unnatural Offence). The countries like U.S.A, U.K and Canada have been used to study.

Keyword- Article, Human, Law, Privacy, Private.


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