Present Scenario of other Backward Classes of Jammu and Kashmir through Reservation Policies and Challenges in Current Socio-Legal Milieu due to Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act 2019: An Evolution of Other Backward Classes/Castes in India

Volume IV, Issue I, 2021
The present paper attempts to shed light on the policies taken by the Jammu and Kashmir government for the amelioration of other backward classes/castes from 2005 up to 2020. While the reservation system has received significant attention from policymakers because of the struggle and evolution that took place for the upliftment of other backward castes and the Indian population over the years, there is still a dearth of academic literature analyzing it. Fundamentally, very few studies have chosen to ask the question of the reservation system in Jammu and Kashmir and its impact on poverty reduction, education standards, what is the Legal status of other backward classes (OBC) in Jammu and Kashmir, and why there exist different laws for OBCs in Jammu and Kashmir. All these concepts need justification through the glasses of a legal apprentice.
Keywords: Backward Castes/Classes, Reservation, Policy, Commission, Constitutional Rights.