Paradigm of New Mode of Relationship
Bharti Vidyapeeth New Law College, Pune
Maharashtra, India
Volume II – Issue V, 2019
This article tries to throw light on emerging life style in India. A deep look into western style of relationship in Indian society .change is the law of nature .So it resulted everywhere. It is up to individual to decide whether to accept the changes or not
This article about new life style in family set up. India has been known for well married family set for centuries. Now the time has come for a change, a time to experience a new paradigm of life style. We call it as ‘Live in relationship’. This style is going to be accepted by all short span time. In metropolitan cities it is already in practice .The advantage of this method of life will attract the new generation, this article brings a clear understanding of what is live in relationship and how it can be effective in our society .It addresses all merit and demerits and tries to give a solution to all such queries which can be raised by critics.
Keywords: Live in relationship, marriage, domestic violence, couple, supreme court, custody.