Student at the Central Law College, India.
Preserving resources for present and future including environment and energy comes under Sustainable Management. In other words, saving resource firm wastage in a large scale. Sustainability in business, economics, environment, personal life, agriculture has great impact on global issues. Though it needs much effect from all sides, it contributes to multifaceted benefits. A successful business strategy includes doing good and doing well. It focuses mainly on profits. A Goal of economic sustainability cannot by achieved by companies unless they understand business strategy which helps in climatic change. Sustainable Management in Business, Economy, the goals of their Sustainability to increase the development, social equality to attain the targeted profits. Fulfillment of financial needs can be attained by business which acts as a ladder for the growth of Economy. In Sustainable Development goals will attain failure, if business cost is raised. A Company has to lose its reputation, if Sustainable Development goals are integrated. If the business has case for environment and ecology, then it become a sustainable business. Proprietors of Business must gain the trust of the employees, consumers, society and communities. They must contribute to the society in a positive aspect. When Sustainable Management is added to business a new strategy for business should be created. Innovations will render sustainability to a business. Global goals include focuses on fair wages for employees, equality among them. Inspiring things in Sustainable Business is transparent to consumers with respect to manufacturing process of their products. Development, Profitability and Improvement are part and parcel of business. Business Proprietors must ensure flexibility of employee and customers relationship. This Ideology will help a company to march forwards the upward successful march.
Research Paper
International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 5, Issue 2, Page 1986 - 1991
DOI: is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution -NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) (, which permits remixing, adapting, and building upon the work for non-commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.
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