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Review of Article “Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in BRICS and The European Union”

  • Aprajita Singh
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  • Aprajita Singh

    Research Scholar at Department of Law, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India

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In 21st century, we are living in a globalized world. The contemporary society is being transformed through science and technology particularly with information technology. Computers, software, servers, search engines and data bases etc, have brought revolutionary or radical changes. Artificial intelligence is one of the emerging technologies that is going to bring radical transformation at global level. It has been said that there are merits and demerits of Artificial Intelligence. Law being an important tool of social regulation has a great challenge to regulate Artificial Intelligence. The old and existing laws and legal system are not adequate to effectively regulate Artificial Intelligence. There are very few countries that have recently enacted laws on Artificial intelligence. The European Union is one of the important institutions that has enacted Artificial Intelligence act in the year 2024. There are many challenges of legal regulation of Artificial Intelligence. These challenges include privacy concerns, surveillance through Artificial intelligence, Crimes and tort through artificial intelligence, infringement of copyright. This paper makes a humble attempt to present a brief analysis of emerging challenges to regulate Artificial Intelligence. The BRICS countries are considered as the fastest growing economies of the world, therefore it is imperative these countries must frame regulations for the Artificial intelligence to balance the economic growth with the right to privacy and other human rights in these countries. This paper is a review of paper “Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in BRICS And the European Union” which has been written by the renowned academician Damian Cyman. This paper is a humble attempt to review this article.




International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 7, Issue 4, Page 1199 - 1202


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