Student at Law College Dehradun, Uttaranchal University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Assistant Professor at Law College Dehradun, Uttaranchal University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Examining administrative law and its quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial functions is the goal of this study. The corpus of laws known as administrative law oversees the executive arm of government, keeping it under control and shielding the populace from abuses of authority committed by the branch or its representatives. The body of laws known as administrative law governs how government administrative agencies conduct their business. Government agency activities include rulemaking, decision-making, and enforcing a set regulatory agenda. Administrative law is limited as a body of law to the operations and procedures of administrative authorities. It is limited to the decision-making or rule-making powers of the authorities. It is a very new area of law that has evolved throughout time and will do so as long as societal demands exist. Matching the Executive's latitude with the "Rule of law" is the aim of administrative law. Administrative law is a battlefield as well as a means of resolving disputes. Judicial review is essential to the creation and maintenance of certain values and ideas. In industrialized cultures, its significance has increased along with the complexity of the relationship between public authorities and the general public. Legislation is needed to regulate these complexities, which could help to preserve regularity and stop the misuse of administrative power. An entirely new age of administration and administrative law was brought about by this expansion of tasks. The greatest important legal advancement of the 20th century, according to some, was administrative law. Governments have evolved from laissez-faire to parens patria. This evolution led to a similar tendency being observed in other parts of the world.
International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 7, Issue 3, Page 108 - 117
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