Product Endorsement by Celebrities and Implementation of Endorsement Laws in India

  • Anya Behera
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  • Anya Behera

    Assistant Professor at N.A Global Law School, India

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Celebrity endorsement is an advertising strategy having great power which is used to promote brands in the market space. Celebrity endorsement refers to a claim by a celebrity or someone of authority that a product is good thereby certifying such product as a must use. Before we form an opinion about whether the celebrity is liable or not it would be pertinent to identify the problem. The reason for the fault in the product can be either the hygiene issues in the manufacturing factory and the other would be that the product probably has not been tested enough and its side effects have occurred after prolonged use. It can be clearly said that in the first instance the celebrity can’t be held liable, but in the second case celebrity can be held liable. But again how far can a celebrity test a product? The celebrity endorsement can be a valuable boost to companies who want a push in brand awareness or gain higher returns. It is not just stars, actors, singers, cricketers and celebrities of all kinds and sports persons are roped into endorse food products, health supplements, personal care products, beverages and what not. Celebrities symbolize knowledge, belief, and aspiration in the eyes of consumers. Their mass appeal to attract target customers earns them huge endorsement amount and the consumers are too preoccupied to give much thought, so they go to the stores and purchase it blindly. They have a notion that if a product is good enough for the star, it is good enough for them.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 6, Issue 2, Page 3418 - 3426


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