Philippines Music in Politics: The Songs of Protest

  • Quan Huiqi
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  • Quan Huiqi

    Inner Mongolia Arts University, Hohhot, Inner Mongilia

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Globally and locally in the Philippines, music has made a significant impact in projecting the shared experience of people expressing their political views and alliances. Music can be likened to a great catalyst to organize, unify and mobilize people into a common purpose. The beat of the drums (music) has this gravitational pull that can move people to listen. History is replete with how music has changed the political discourse, bringing to fore issues on racism, gender, democracy, and other matters related to the socio-political landscape of countries. The new world order is shaped by the so-called songs of the times, influencing how people stand up or stand down on issues affecting their lives. Music is the medium of expression and communication that enables people to flesh out sentiments on critical matters and push these issues to the forefront where people can act out their emotions. In the Philippines, music plays an integral part in any event, including that of politics. The political landscape throughout its post-war history has been shaped by the music of its times. Borne of influences from western counterparts, music has helped the Filipino's need for a national identity. It has allowed Filipinos to articulate his nationalistic sentiments in harmony, rhythm, and pitch.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 4, Issue 4, Page 3137 - 3147


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