Student at Jindal Global Law School, India.
Student at Jindal Global Law School, India.
Women all over the world play the essential role of primary land managers and resource users. They have proven their caliber to make relevant contributions in ecological conservation by taking numerable initiatives. Yet, they continue to experience substantial disadvantages from both biodiversity loss and gender-blind conservation initiatives . Women must be equally and actively included in procedures involving conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Women, for instance, are increasingly carrying on the managerial role in small-scale agriculture in most nations. However, they do not have an effective say in land utilization policies or equal access to key resources. Moreover, loss of biodiversity too, places an unfair cost on women by extending the time to gather essential resources. This limits the amount of time that can be devoted to other activities that help women educate better and generate more income. Alongside fairness, supporting women's full participation in biodiversity initiatives is crucial to the long-term viability of biodiversity conservation and sustainability programs. These initiatives risk disregarding the core causes of biodiversity loss, as well as possible remedies. They may also result in the promotion of gender inequities without the participation of women.
Research Paper
International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 5, Issue 4, Page 138 - 144
DOI: is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution -NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) (, which permits remixing, adapting, and building upon the work for non-commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.
Copyright © IJLMH 2021