Student at Delhi Metropolitan Education, India
Student at Delhi Metropolitan Education, India
It has been noted recently that guidelines for the efficient execution of regulatory provisions and their monitoring are urgently needed, in addition to supervisory and diligent mining methods. There have been many instances of unlawful mining throughout the nation, and in certain situations, numerous authorities have died while carrying out their responsibilities to reduce the occurrence of illicit mining. The state loses money as a result of unregulated illegal mining, and the ecosystem deteriorates. India's development is accelerating, with significant technology advancements made in the areas of remote mining tracking and oversight as well as the establishment of numerous legislative frameworks. Therefore, it becomes vital to make use of technological advancements to effectively oversee the mining operations and carry out the aforementioned laws and regulatory frameworks. Furthermore, citizens must work with government organizations to ensure efficient surveillance and regulation. Every Indian citizen has a duty to safeguard our natural resources, and laws that are operational are possible only if all relevant parties—the government at large, state legislatures and citizens—commit to sustainable mining practices and abide by all applicable laws. It is thought crucial to determine the minimal specifications in every geographic area in order to provide a consistent framework for the oversight and implementation of the mining-related regulatory provisions. This document outlines the fundamental infrastructure needs required for efficient monitoring of sustainable mining and will act as a reference for analysing jurisdictional competence and enforcing the relevant statutory rule or provisions. The analysis presented in this research paper relies on a methodical assessment of the literature, and it intends to be a helpful resource for people who are interested in conducting the in depth study and discovering more about the issue of illegal mining as well as for people who merely seek out information and want to just grasp the idea
Research Paper
International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 6, Issue 6, Page 3164 - 3181
DOI: is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution -NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) (, which permits remixing, adapting, and building upon the work for non-commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.
Copyright © IJLMH 2021