Expansion of the Ambit of Neuro Law-Smt Selvi V. State Of Karnataka A Milestone

  • Anushka Sahu
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  • Anushka Sahu

    Student at KIIT School of Law, Bhubaneswar, India

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In the legal fraternity, deception detection tests (DDT) like narco-analysis, lie detector test, brain mapping, etc. have been one of the most debatable topics. In respect to the admissibility of evidence, rapid spurts in the field of science, law and technology have given rise to new complexities. There is dire need of sophisticated investigation and interrogation techniques. Therefore, various changes have been brought about in the field of investigation due to the major advancements in forensic science. Neuroscience helps in the realization of constitutional values like right against self-incrimination; right to life and personal liberty and right to privacy. In this paper, the author throws light on the concept of neuroscience which is a domain of neurolaw and highlights how this interdisciplinary study affects the scope of jurisprudence. The author also tries to elucidate the developments brought about in forensic science and neuroscience post the Supreme Court’s judgment in Smt. Selvi and Ors v State of Karnataka.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 4, Issue 3, Page 4566 - 4574

DOI: https://doij.org/10.10000/IJLMH.111025

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