Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study of Philippines Gaming Industry Agency PAGCOR

  • Li Jia
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  • Li Jia

    International College, Krirk University, Thailand

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Gambling is one of the favorite past times of Filipinos which the Catholic Church denounces as a vice. The government has legalized many forms of gambling in response to its advocates that it becomes a revenue source rather than an outlawed past time of the populace. Gambling is now regulated by the Philippine Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR). PAGCOR’s corporate social responsibility thrust is geared toward community development to uplift the lives of Filipinos. The revenue source of these beneficiaries explicitly comes from a vice which the Catholic Church in the Philippines denounces. Nevertheless, the Church charities are also among the beneficiaries of PAGCOR’s initiatives to help the poor. Thus, vice (gambling) now is perceived differently from the traditional to a more open-minded view. The study employed the descriptive design using random sampling. The study employed the descriptive design using random sampling. A randomly selected group of one hundred (100) respondents that have been selected regardless of their age, gender, civil status, educational attainment and occupation. A survey questionnaire aligned with the objectives of this paper was the main research tool. Data gathering was done a specific research locales in Camp 7, Benguet, Philippines. Gathered data was treated through descriptive statistics. This study sought to explore how Filipinos view legalized gambling and how corporate social responsibility of non-formal institutions like PAGCOR whose operations differed from the norm and others similarly situated impacted social responsiveness in a cultural setting highly weighed by religion. It aimed to discuss the morality of vice in a country where proceeds from endeavors in this aspect proved to justify the ends if it meant substantial help and benefits for the country’s marginalized poor. The study concludes that the legalization of gambling is an attempt to show that it is not a menace to the society. The Pagcor is a state-owned gambling entity mandated by law to share in profits largely with the national treasury and with charity organizations and institutions. This objective, if fully supported and monitored by the government can make the difference in the country’s economic recovery. Gambling redeems itself through the benefits that it gives to the less fortunate and the number of lives that has been saved and changed through Pagcor’s help is a proof that legalized gambling has already crossed the line that questions its morality.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 4, Issue 4, Page 1431 - 1443


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