A Rise in Cyber Crime In India: Critical Analysis

  • P.C. Abirami
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  • P.C. Abirami

    Assistant Professor at SRM School of Law, India.

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Cybercrime is the same old thing, yet expanded degrees of network, remote working, dependence on innovation, and mechanization implies the gamble of assault is rising quickly. In this article, we take a gander at the normal sorts of cybercrime and how you can safeguard your business against them. The Covid pandemic has made numerous associations more helpless against digital assaults as a result of: loosened up control conditions; re-examined cycles and methodology; and changing worker labour force profiles. All hoodlums target weaknesses, and this is the same on the web. Holes in your protections can be designated both at a human and framework level. Pandemic to the side, the most recent five years have seen a few critical information security breaks at high-profile associations. Organizations should be more ready and prepared to recognize and answer advanced dangers. Considerably bigger corporate associations that put fundamentally in IT security should remain continually in the know regarding the developing digital danger scene. This paper deals with the diverse cybercrimes which is predominant in this present time. And it also deals with the provision in information technology act and other initiative of the government to curb cybercrime.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 5, Issue 3, Page 484 - 489

DOI: https://doij.org/10.10000/IJLMH.113034

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